jesseweisberg / moveo_ros

ROS packages and Arduino scripts that can be used to control the BCN3D Moveo robotic arm in simulation and real-life.
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catkin_make error #3

Closed majikbyte closed 6 years ago

majikbyte commented 6 years ago

Hi Jesse,

Thanks for contributing this. I'm just getting familiar with ROS. After I installed Moveit and placed the package files in my catkin_workspace/src I then attempted to build using catkin_make. I received this error. ...... [ 90%] Linking CXX executable /home/matthew/moveo_ws/devel/lib/moveo_moveit/moveit_convert [ 90%] Built target moveit_convert /home/matthew/moveo_ws/src/moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/src/move_group_interface_coor_1.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char)’: /home/matthew/moveo_ws/src/moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/src/move_group_interface_coor_1.cpp:126:41: error: cannot convert ‘moveit::planning_interface::MoveItErrorCode’ to ‘bool’ in initialization bool success = move_group.plan(my_plan); ^ moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/CMakeFiles/move_group_1.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/CMakeFiles/move_group_1.dir/src/move_group_interface_coor_1.cpp.o' failed make[2]: ** [moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/CMakeFiles/move_group_1.dir/src/move_group_interface_coor_1.cpp.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:2806: recipe for target 'moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/CMakeFiles/move_group_1.dir/all' failed make[1]: [moveo_ros-master/moveo_moveit/CMakeFiles/move_group_1.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed

I tried to troubleshoot and the closest I could find is this:

I tried modifying the first file listed, but could not locate the 2nd and 3rd files in order to modify. When I ran again, I still received an error.

Please help.

nez commented 6 years ago

Hi @wheemzy1, I tried the following and now I'm being able to build:

on moveo_moveit/src/move_group_interface_coor_1.cpp on line 126: remove:

bool success = move_group.plan(my_plan);

ROS_INFO_NAMED("moveo", "Visualizing plan 1 (pose goal) %s", success ? "" : "FAILED");

and replace with:


I tried this, because move_group.plan returns apparently a MoveItErrorCode instead of boolean. (I don't know yet how to catch the status code correctly)

majikbyte commented 6 years ago

thanks Nez, that solved it

majikbyte commented 6 years ago

nez commented 6 years ago

Hi @wheemzy1 great, so we can implement the solution offered by @BryceStevenWilley are you gonna make the PR? Otherwise I will :)

majikbyte commented 6 years ago

@nez go for it bud. nice profile artwork by the way...