jessicalwood / UserFeedback2014-5

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Make Desktop Pins moveable - like tiles #5

Open jessicalaurawood opened 9 years ago

jessicalaurawood commented 9 years ago 280 Points

Make Desktop Pins moveable - like tiles Open I have found that most of the items I pin to my desktop are Smart Lists. This has created a problem where smart lists only pin to the right hand side of the screen in a long list while other real estate is unused. It would be massively helpful to be able to move items on the desktop in a tile layout. This would drive adoption of the pin functionality and the desktop screen. 7 Comments » Posted by adam.check to Avention on 11/13/2014 3:01 PM

Additional Information Which customer(s) made this suggestion? internal What customer impact would this have? ease of use, better use of screen real estate

Merged Ideas (1)Merged Ideas (1) I want to change the order that pinned items appear on my desktop 2 Comments » Posted by Ray.Renteria to Avention on 5/8/2014 11:22 AM

I may pin a company, and two lists, and then a few days later pin a second company. I want all the companies to appear together, but I don't want to use the List View

2 Comments on merged Idea: Edit
dan.styklunas 6/5/2014 9:20 AM
I would also like to have the ability to stack similar pins together, then open them up. Like all company pins, or or pins related to the same project or strategy or company. Edit
jakub.malobecki 10/21/2014 2:48 PM
To make the product continue the theme of using the latest technologies, it would be visually and mechanically appealing to move pinned items within the allocated space on the Desktop. Color coding the pinned items, by category (List of companies, contacts, News article, Industry, Company record) would also help add color to the page even if the colors are more pastel/faded rather than bold colors. 1 like

jessicalaurawood commented 9 years ago

Comments on Adam's Idea (MAIN above): Edit | Del
dan.styklunas 11/13/2014 3:04 PM
Wish I could promote this multiple times. Plus would love the ability to drag pins around and rearrange them. Like·1 like Edit | Del
adam.check 11/13/2014 3:06 PM
I could not agree more about re-arranging pins. I envision this could work similar to how PostWire's content creation page works. Just click and drag to different locations on the desktop. Like Edit | Del
Jonathan.Bisbing 11/13/2014 3:14 PM
I concur. I have had several clients ask for this. Like Edit | Del
gam_patel 11/14/2014 4:26 AM
Great idea! Like Edit | Del
Luke.Harms 11/14/2014 4:27 AM
Agreed, also dan.styklunas' suggesting of dragging pins would be great. Like Edit | Del
jessica.wood 1/13/2015 2:01 PM
Absolutely. Ability to move desktop pins (from widget to tile and back again, and vice-versa) was the expected behavior in original desktop thinking. Within the tile area itself (left of "widgets"), ability to rearrange content was less of a priority at launch, so was not promoted in design or dev sprints. Validation of both features here will be a huge boon to getting them fixed in the product per product owner & business priority. Likely priority: 1) Support ability to pin an item as either a basic tile OR a dynamic widget. Support ability to fluidly & intuitevly change this designation once on the desktop. (HIGH/blocking adoption) 2) Provide ability to rearrage basic tiles in the left-most area of the desktop, whether in tile or list view. (TBD/would be nice) ~Jessica Wood, UxD/R&D Like Edit | Del
lindsay.romero 1/14/2015 5:31 PM
I have had 3 clients request this just this week on demos. They are migration/large upgrade targets this year.
