jessieren / DeepVirFinder

Identifying viruses from metagenomic data by deep learning
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Data set Accession Numbers not complete #15

Closed nkarisan closed 3 years ago

nkarisan commented 3 years ago

It seems that in the supplementary file "SupplementaryTable1_NCBI_accession.xlsx", most of the records correspond to "pokaryote" are not given by their NCBI Accession id (possibly given by other type of ids), that would be good if they become available.

jessieren commented 3 years ago

Hi nkarisan,

Thanks for your message. The dataset contains various types of genomes. Some are complete genomes and some are assembled genomes. For example, for AATR01, it is the accession number of an assembled genome. The sequence dat a can be found here:


nkarisan commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your response, so that’s why my queries would fail.