jessieren / VirFinder

VirFinder: a novel k-mer based tool for identifying viral sequences from assembled metagenomic data
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Error in smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df) : #23

Open neptuneyt opened 4 years ago

neptuneyt commented 4 years ago

Hi,Jessie Thanks for your VirFinder job! when I test with my single sequence follow your github instruction,it return

Error in smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df) :
  missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed
Calls: VF.qvalue -> qvalue -> pi0est -> smooth.spline
Execution halted

so, how could it happende and how to solve it? Thanks a lot

almutwerner commented 3 years ago

Hi neptuneyt, hi @jessieren

I also run into this problem. Commands I used were these:

Read in file

library(VirFinder) predResult <- VF.pred("/home/awerner/VibrioPhagesProject/all_redundant_phages.fa")

(2.1) sort sequences by p-value in ascending order


(2.2) estimate q-values (false discovery rates) based on p-values

predResult$qvalue <- VF.qvalue(predResult$pvalue)

(2.3) sort sequences by q-value in ascending order


write output file

write.table(predResult, file='/home/awerner/VibrioPhagesProject/virfinder_out.tsv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', col.names = FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

Error is the same, I also added the log, maybe it's helpful.


copycatcopydog commented 11 months ago

hello bro ,i dont know you solve the problem or not .but i meet this bug i dont know why help~~~ here is my console :

(predResult$pvalue) [1] 0.79869027 0.78923114 0.69136551 0.73611448 0.77564880 0.80657288 [7] 0.78692699 0.82852292 0.77540626 0.72483628 0.37011885 0.07179238 [13] 0.74787776 0.48908562 0.49890856 0.11679356 0.29589030 0.57787488 VF.qvalue(predResult$pvalue) Error in smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df) : missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed
