jessieren / VirFinder

VirFinder: a novel k-mer based tool for identifying viral sequences from assembled metagenomic data
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Error: 'rBind' is defunct,Since R version 3.2.0, base's rbind() should work fine with S4 objects #30

Open zhongshengbin269 opened 2 years ago

zhongshengbin269 commented 2 years ago

hello, I encountered the following questionsproblem in Windows 10, version R 3.6.3.Then use virfinder to switch to MacOS user R version 4.2.0 and the problem is not resolved.

**> VF.trainModUser <- VF.train.user(trainFaFileHost, trainFaFileVirus, userModDir,

Error: 'rBind' is defunct. Since R version 3.2.0, base's rbind() should work fine with S4 objects** How should this kind of mistake be solved? Hope to get help, thank you

pt0798 commented 1 year ago

I have also encountered the same problem. I tried everything but it is not resolving. I saw a solution for this through monocle3.

trace('calculateLW', edit = T, where = asNamespace("monocle3"))

in line 143, change Matrix::rBind to rbind but it was by default set to rbind, so the the error was not resolved.

Kindly help. Thank you. @jessieren @mlangill