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testMatch on Windows #7914

Open artola opened 5 years ago

artola commented 5 years ago

🐛 Bug Report

The following testMatch works on unix systems while does not on Windows machines. It is required to narrow the folders where to look for tests.

  testMatch: [

Error on Windows:

  636 files checked.
  testMatch: C:/Users/IEUser/Fusion-UI/packages/infodesk/src/**\?(*.)+(spec|test).(ts|tsx|mjs|js|jsx) - 0 matches
  testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 636 matches
  testRegex:  - 636 matches
Pattern:  - 0 matches
error Command failed with exit code 1.

To Reproduce

Set a testMatch that starts with <rootDir>/src/... in place of the default **/*/.... See in the error message src/**\?(*.) here the / was replaced by \ and it is a lonely case.

Expected behavior

testMatch should work cross OS as in v23.

Link to repl or repo (highly encouraged)

this repro work in v22 while fails in v24 with Windows:

Run npx envinfo --preset jest

Paste the results here:

    OS: macOS 10.14.3
    CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7567U CPU @ 3.50GHz
    Node: 11.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.13.0 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
    npm: 6.5.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm
    jest: ^24.1.0 => 24.1.0 
thymikee commented 5 years ago

We moved to micromatch@3 and it seems like your glib is not valid anymore. You'll need to adjust it to be compliant. We're sorry this happens but it was announced as a breaking change

SimenB commented 5 years ago

I wonder if this is #7814? Seeing as OP says it works on unix

artola commented 5 years ago

@thymikee I know about the breaking change and we changed the glob, mainly I just use the default one shown in jest --init with the prefix <rootDir>/src/. While this works on Mac/Unix, does not on Windows.

thymikee commented 5 years ago

Oh, that may be the case. Reopening then

artola commented 5 years ago

I wonder if this is #7814? Seeing as OP says it works on unix

@SimenB I am using v24.1 but if I add the slash wrapper as shown here ( the testMatch works on unix and also on Windows.

artola commented 5 years ago

@SimenB @thymikee When I create a config using jest --init shows this block:

  // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
  // testMatch: [
  //   "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)",
  //   "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)"
  // ],

Then I just uncommented this block and tweaked a bit to support <rootDir>/src/. This change does not play well in Windows while in Unix is ok as reported above.

Now what I did is slightly change the glob and works in both OS, following the doc in micromatch.

  // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
  testMatch: [

Here the more important changes:

Could be that "just" the default for testMatch shown in the documentation need some update?

AndrewCraswell commented 5 years ago

@artola That solves my issues after upgrading multiple of my projects to latest Jest. Befeorehand I had to add a bunch of ignore entries to stop it from picking up files that Jest thought had tests but didn't actually, resulting in fake fails. One such example is the Create React App's test.js script which actually executes Jest.

sheerun commented 5 years ago

Can we count on fix?

SimenB commented 5 years ago

Not sure what a fix would be? Is it a documentation or implementation issue? A PR for either is very much welcome as none on the core team uses windows. We do test windows on CI though, so if it's a code issue we can add a test as well

artola commented 5 years ago

@SimenB It is a code issue, see my comment above, a solution is wrap this return with slash.

It will be great if some Windows expert verifies and creates the PR.

In the meantime the solution was change the micromatch as explained.

SimenB commented 5 years ago

Aight, fair enough! Looking forward to that PR 😊

shaodahong commented 4 years ago

yup, the focus is the path slash

In windows default slash like tests\rules\indent\indent.test.ts, but jest does not match this, must change like tests/rules/indent/indent.test.ts

pelepelin commented 4 years ago

Hello! I'm not sure if it's the same bug, I've found the testMatch glob like ...__tests__/+(unit|integration)... is internally converted to ...__tests__\+(unit|integration)... on Windows so it does not match. Other slashes in my pattern are not converted. It works on linux. Workaround for me was ...__tests__+(/unit|/integration)....

karpov-kir commented 2 years ago


I encountered a similar issue. The following wildcard works on Unix machines but does not work on Windows machines:


@SimenB, after some debugging I found that there is replacePathSepForGlob function in jest-utils which is used in parsing of config files.

Here is this function:

// node_modules/jest-util/build/replacePathSepForGlob.js

function replacePathSepForGlob(path) {
  return path.replace(/\\(?![{}()+?.^$])/g, '/');

I changed it to log the result and path:

function replacePathSepForGlob(path) {
  const result =  path.replace(/\\(?![{}()+?.^$])/g, '/');
  console.log('Replace sep for glob', {path, result})
  return result

So, the issue happens because this function converts glob patents on Windows machines in the following way:

Wildcard: '<rootDir>/packages/**/(tests|src)/**/*.(test|spec|e2e-spec).*'
Path: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Documents\\project\\packages\\**\\(src|test)\\**\\*.(test|spec|e2e-spec).*',
Replaced path: 'C:/Users/user/Documents/project/packages/**\\(src|test)/**/*.(test|spec|e2e-spec).*'

The issue is in this place (in replaced part) .../packages/**\\(src|test)/**/... - double slash is not replaced with a singular slash to be .../packages/**/(src|test)/**/....

It looks like ecranisation logic conflicts with double backslashes. So, if / is followed by (a|b) wildcard on Windows then the replaced path is incorrect.

Additional notes:

Wildcard: '<rootDir>/packages/**/{1..3}/**/*.(test|spec|e2e-spec).*'
Path: 'C:\\Users\\user\\Documents\\project\\packages\\**\\{1..3}\\**\\*.(test|spec|e2e-spec).*',
Replaced path: 'C:/Users/user/Documents/project/packages/**\\{1..3}/**/*.(test|spec|e2e-spec).*'

Am I missing something? Or there is an issue?

In my case, I found only one workaround for /(a|b) wildcard. Such wildcard can be split into multiple wildcards:

testMatch: [

change to

testMatch: [
yichi-yang commented 2 years ago

We do test windows on CI though

@SimenB correct me if I'm wrong, the test uses path.posix on Windows, so it doesn't behave the same as require('path') on Windows (should be path.win32 on Windows by default).

I want to take a stab at fixing this, but writing a separate test suite for Windows seems like a lot of work to me.

ChadBailey commented 2 years ago

edit: sigh I'm guessing I had some other botched config leading up to the issue I reported, as I've started over and am no longer experiencing the behavior I reported.

jaitjacob commented 1 year ago

This issue persists. I was able to reproduce this issue on Jest version 28.1.3 installed on Windows Version 10.0.22621. My testMatch option is defined as, testMatch: ['/**/*.test.*(/ts|/tsx)'] within jest.config.js.

The message I get when I run Jest is,

No tests found, exiting with code 1
Run with `--passWithNoTests` to exit with code 0
In C:\Users\jaitj\Documents\osc\chapter
  432 files checked.
  testMatch: /**/*.test.(ts|tsx) - 0 matches
  testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 432 matches
  testRegex:  - 0 matches
Pattern:  - 0 matches

The path separators for testMatch & testPathIgnorePatterns in the message above stand out to me. I wonder what makes Jest internally translate the path separator correctly for testPathIgnorePatterns but NOT for testMatch. The former option is defined as watchPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules'] in jest.config.js.

alilland commented 1 year ago

+1 still experiencing issue in feb, 2023 ☚ī¸

burdeasa commented 1 year ago

One possible workaround when trying to get a launch.json file to work on Windows is to use this VSCode extension:

I installed this, and then used the following launch.json configuration:

            "name": "Debug One Test File",
            "type": "node",
            "request": "launch",
            "runtimeArgs": [
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
            "env": {
                "JEST_TEST_TIMEOUT": "2147483647",
sbenfares commented 1 year ago

@SimenB @thymikee When I create a config using jest --init shows this block:

  // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
  // testMatch: [
  //   "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)",
  //   "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)"
  // ],

Then I just uncommented this block and tweaked a bit to support <rootDir>/src/. This change does not play well in Windows while in Unix is ok as reported above.

Now what I did is slightly change the glob and works in both OS, following the doc in micromatch.

  // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
  testMatch: [

Here the more important changes:

  • ?(*.) => *(*.) ... from 0 or 1 occurrence to 0 or more occurrences
  • +(spec|test) => @(spec|test) ... from 1 or more occurrences to matches 1

Could be that "just" the default for testMatch shown in the documentation need some update?

Thanks, your workaround worked for me on Windows 11 ❤ī¸ !

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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