jet / FsCodec

F# Event-Union Contract Encoding with versioning tolerant converters supporting System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft.Json
Apache License 2.0
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feat: Contract types validation #50

Open bartelink opened 4 years ago

bartelink commented 4 years ago

In a team environment, where the way event contracts are composed is often a matter of debate, it can be useful to have a way to validate that types that will be mapped to JSON adhere to conventions.

It should be pretty possible to, a la AutoFixture.Idioms use reflection to find all DUs that implement TypeShape.UnionEncoder.IUnionContract, and then walk the type with TypeShape counting anomalies such as

This would enable a team for write a single unit test saying something like:

let [<Fact>] ``All contract types use simple tagged types`` () =
    let checker = FsCodec.NewtonsoftJson.TypeChecker(allowMaps=true) // or any other exceptions to the search
    let anoms =
        |> Seq.collect checker.EnumViolations
        |> List.ofSeq
    test <@ [] = anoms @>

Reasons to have this in FsCodec vs anywhere else 1) it's already using TypeShape 2) we can port it to do the same thing for SystemTextJson

Yes, one could build a Roslyn Analyzer and/or Rider or Ionide checks too!

bartelink commented 4 years ago

cc @fnipo can you think of any other stuff that needs to be added that can be done generically without running the serializer

bartelink commented 2 years ago

related: (autoUnion = true) can be used (with some cons) to mitigate some of the concerns/risks this feature idea would cover (although this idea would remove the risk of a transition from one encoding to another without there being a clear change in the code)