jet / kube-webhook-certgen

Tools to help with self signed cert generation for Kubernetes test environment
Apache License 2.0
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Mirror to Docker Hub alternative #26

Open meyskens opened 3 years ago

meyskens commented 3 years ago

cross post from

Now that Docker hub has a rate limit in place could it be considered offering a mirror of the images to for example or quay,io? I was hit hard by this when installing ingress-nginx which uses your Docker images making the installation of the webhooks hang.


mcmcghee commented 3 years ago

Was bit by this as well... we found alternative registries for all our images except this one.

vsliouniaev commented 3 years ago

Don't have any information on this right now. I will post an update here when I have some news.

jammerful commented 3 years ago

Would love to see this as well, was just bit by this.

riain0 commented 3 years ago

+1 on this too. Looks like this is the only viable solution as if you even use a private registry mirror by overwriting the image/registry, if your private registry requires authentication it will fail as you need to patch the service account with the credentials from registry-creds. Only issue with that is, you cannot patch the service account until it exists and it only exists after the image is pulled 😅

Edit: seems to work - not sure if there's rate limiting on this, though.

invidian commented 2 years ago

@meyskens is now the upstream image I believe. Maybe we can close this issue then?