fun safeUserInput(wordLength: Int, alphabet: String): String {
println("Please input your guess. It should be of length $wordLength, and each symbol should be from the alphabet: $alphabet.")
val guess: String = safeReadLine()
isCorrectInput(guess, wordLength, alphabet)
return guess
fun isCorrectInput(userInput: String, wordLength: Int, alphabet: String): Boolean {
var isCorr = true
if (userInput.length != wordLength) {
println("The length of your guess should be $wordLength characters! Try again!")
isCorr = false
var flag: Boolean = true
for (i in userInput) {
if (i !in alphabet) {
flag = false
if (!flag) {
println("All symbols in your guess should be the $alphabet alphabet characters! Try again!")
isCorr = false
return isCorr
But the initial idea was to ask user about the correct input while the correct input is not passed
The current implementation works with
But the initial idea was to ask user about the correct input while the correct input is not passed