jetbrains-infra / packer-builder-vsphere

Packer plugin for remote builds on VMware vSphere
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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vsphere-iso example for CentOS #85

Open dkirrane opened 6 years ago

dkirrane commented 6 years ago

Is there any vsphere-iso example for creating a vm from an ISO and Kickstart file.

michaelhajjar commented 6 years ago

I am currently using the following packer json file for creating centos7 template on vsphere version 6 (with no boot_cmd option, because the API does not support it).

  "variables": {
    "vcenter_host": "server",
    "vcenter_user": "user",
    "vcenter_password": "",
    "ssh_user": "user",
    "ssh_password": "password",
    "dc": "domain",
    "cluster": "cluster",
    "network": "network",
    "storage": "datastore",
    "template_dir": "dir",
    "iso_path": "iso",
    "ks_file": "kickstart/ks.cfg",
    "cpu_cores": "2",
    "ram_mb": "4096",
    "disk_size_gb": "50"

  "builders": [
      "type": "vsphere-iso",

      "vcenter_server":      "{{ user `vcenter_host` }}",
      "username":            "{{ user `vcenter_user` }}",
      "password":            "{{ user `vcenter_password` }}",
      "insecure_connection": "true",
      "ssh_username": "{{ user `ssh_user` }}",
      "ssh_password": "{{ user `ssh_password` }}",

      "datacenter": "{{ user `dc` }}",
      "cluster": "{{ user `cluster` }}",
      "network": "{{ user `network` }}",
      "network_card": "vmxnet3",
      "datastore": "{{ user `storage` }}",
      "vm_name": "centos7_base_{{isotime \"2006-01-02\"}}",
      "guest_os_type": "rhel7_64Guest",

      "CPUs":             "{{ user `cpu_cores` }}",
      "RAM":              "{{ user `ram_mb` }}",
      "RAM_reserve_all": true,

      "disk_controller_type":  "pvscsi",
      "disk_size":        "{{ user `disk_size_gb` }}",
      "disk_thin_provisioned": true,
      "folder": "{{ user `template_dir` }}",

      "iso_paths": [
        "{{ user `iso_path` }}"
      "floppy_files": [
        "{{ user `ks_file` }}"
      "boot_order": "disk,cdrom",
      "convert_to_template": true

  "provisioners": [
      "type": "shell",
      "inline": ["rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*"],
      "execute_command": "echo 'root' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'",
      "pause_before": "10s"

      "type": "file",
      "source": "repos/",
      "destination": "/etc/yum.repos.d"

      "type": "shell",
      "execute_command": "echo 'root' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'",
      "script": "scripts/",
      "expect_disconnect": "true"

You can also use the boot_cmd option if you have vsphere 6.5, otherwise you can edit the centos7 iso and edit the isolinux.cfg to point to the floppy disk(kickstart file) in this setup.

dkirrane commented 6 years ago

I can create a kickstart ISO that can load automatically without editing the Centos ISO. Just need to add the ks.cfg into a storage volume named OEMDRV mkisofs -V OEMDRV -o kickstart.iso ks.cfg

Can an extra CD-ROM device be added for the kickstart ISO? And can Packer remove all CD-ROM devices once install completes?

Must look at the boot_cmd option for 6.5. Could probably just pass boot option inst.ks=<location of ks.cfg>

sudomateo commented 6 years ago

@dkirrane I attempted to use Packer to create a CentOS image with a kickstart.iso created with mkisofs -V OEMDRV -o kickstart.iso ks.cfg successfully. The trick is to attach the kickstart.iso file as a secondary CD/DVD drive using the iso_paths parameter.

My template:

  "description": "CentOS 7 Template",
  "variables": {
    "vsphere_username": "{{ env `VSPHERE_USERNAME` }}",
    "vsphere_password": "{{ env `VSPHERE_PASSWORD` }}",
    "vm_name": "centos-7-base-x86_64-1708"
    "vcenter_server": "",
    "datacenter": "DATACENTER01",
    "datastore": "DATASTORE01",
    "folder": "Templates/Packer",
    "cluster": "CLUSTER01",
    "iso_paths": "[DATASTORE01] ISO/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1708.iso,[DATASTORE01] ISO/kickstart.iso",
  "network": "VM Network"
  "builders": [
      "type": "vsphere-iso",
      "vm_name": "{{ user `vm_name` }}-{{ isotime \"2006-01-02\" }}",
      "vcenter_server": "{{ user `vcenter_server` }}",
      "username": "{{ user `vsphere_username` }}",
      "password": "{{ user `vsphere_password` }}",
      "insecure_connection": "true",
      "datacenter": "{{ user `datacenter` }}",
      "cluster": "{{ user `cluster` }}",
      "folder": "{{ user `folder` }}",
      "datastore": "{{ user `datastore` }}",
      "boot_wait": "30s",
      "boot_order": "disk,cdrom",
      "iso_paths": "{{ user `iso_paths` }}",
      "ssh_username": "root",
      "ssh_password": "packer",
      "CPUs": 1,
      "RAM": 1024,
      "RAM_reserve_all": true,
      "disk_controller_type": "pvscsi",
      "disk_size": 16384,
      "disk_thin_provisioned": true,
      "network": "{{ user `network` }}",
      "network_card": "vmxnet3",
      "guest_os_type": "rhel7_64Guest",
      "convert_to_template": true
  "provisioners": [
      "type": "shell",
      "only": ["vsphere-iso"],
      "script": "<PATH_TO_SCRIPT>"
ideologysec commented 6 years ago

Packer does IIRC remove all CD-ROM devices when the build is finished, or at least this builder does, but only if you don't convert it to a template.

dkirrane commented 6 years ago

@sudomateo I've used the following steps with govc

  1. My kickstart ks.cfg file Note the cmdline, poweroff, passed in network info {{}}, services enabled and post install sections were required for me. The rest is pretty standard from a normal manual install.

Use non-interactive command line mode

cmdline eula --agreed logging --level=info selinux --disabled firewall --disabled poweroff

System authorization information

auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512

Use CDROM installation media


Run the Setup Agent on first boot

firstboot --disabled

Keyboard layouts

keyboard --vckeymap=gb --xlayouts='gb'

System language

lang en_GB.UTF-8

Network information

network --onboot=no --device=link --bootproto=static --ip={{ ip }} --netmask={{ netmask }} --gateway={{ gateway }} --nameserver={{ dns_servers }} --hostname={{ hostname.domain }} --noipv6

Root password

rootpw --iscrypted XYZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

System services

services --enabled=NetworkManager,sshd,chronyd

System timezone

timezone Europe/London --isUtc

System bootloader configuration

bootloader --location=mbr --boot-drive=sda autopart --type=lvm

Partition clearing information

clearpart --none --initlabel

%packages @^minimal @core chrony


%addon com_redhat_kdump --disable --reserve-mb='auto'


%anaconda pwpolicy root --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty pwpolicy user --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty pwpolicy luks --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty %end

Post Install

%post --log=/root/ks-post.log yum install -y epel-release yum install -y open-vm-tools yum install -y perl %end

2. Create kickstart iso
`mkisofs -V OEMDRV -o kickstart.iso ks.cfg`

3. Upload CentOS iso. (As downloaded. No changes needed)
`govc datastore.upload CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1708.iso isos/CentoOS.iso`

4. Upload kickstart iso
`govc datastore.upload kickstart.iso isos/kickstart.iso`

5. Create VM (called `MyVM`) from CentOS ISO (do not power on, add disk, ram cpu, vlan settings also as required)
`govc vm.create -g=centos64Guest -on=false -iso=isos/CentoOS.iso -iso-datastore=DataStoreXYZ MyVM`

6. Add CD-ROM device kickstart iso
`govc device.cdrom.add -vm MyVM`

7. Insert kickstart iso into new CD-ROM
`govc device.cdrom.insert -vm MyVM -device {{kickstart_cdrom_device_num_from_step_6}} isos/kickstart.iso`

8. Set boot order
`govc device.boot -vm MyVM -delay 1000 -order cdrom,ethernet,disk`

9. Power on VM
`govc vm.power -on MyVM`

10. Wait for kickstart to complete. At this stage you can follow the automated kickstart install from the vSphere client console
To wait I retry this command until PowerState == `poweredOff`
`govc -json MyVM jq -r .VirtualMachines[].Runtime.PowerState`

11. Get all CD-ROM devices numbers
`govc -json -vm MyVM cdrom-*`

12. Remove all CD-ROM devices from VM
`govc device.remove -vm MyVM {{kickstart_cdrom_device_num_from_step_11}}`
`govc device.remove -vm MyVM {{centos_cdrom_device_num_from_step_11}}`

13. Enable VM UUID
`govc vm.change -vm MyVM -e="disk.enableUUID=1"`

14. Convert to template
`govc vm.markastemplate MyVM`
MacFlurry commented 5 years ago


I followed all the instructions but I still have a problem here: screen shot here's my kickstart and packer file. if someone with a keen eye can tell me where I was wrong:

vphere 6.5 packer json file:

    "variables": {
      "vcenter_host": "xxx",
      "vcenter_user": "xxxx",
      "vcenter_password": "xxxx",
      "ssh_user": "xxxx",
      "ssh_password": "xxxxx",
      "dc": "xxxx",
      "cluster": "xxx",
      "network": "xxx",
      "storage": "xxx",
      "ks_file": "ks.cfg",
      "cpu_cores": "1",
      "ram_mb": "1024",
      "disk_size_gb": "30"

    "builders": [
        "type": "vsphere-iso",

        "vcenter_server":      "{{ user `vcenter_host` }}",
        "username":            "{{ user `vcenter_user` }}",
        "password":            "{{ user `vcenter_password` }}",
        "insecure_connection": "true",
        "ssh_username": "{{ user `ssh_user` }}",
        "ssh_password": "{{ user `ssh_password` }}",

        "datacenter": "{{ user `dc` }}",
        "cluster": "{{ user `cluster` }}",
        "network": "{{ user `network` }}",
        "network_card": "vmxnet3",
        "datastore": "{{ user `storage` }}",
        "vm_name": "centos7_test",
        "guest_os_type": "rhel7_64Guest",

        "CPUs":             "{{ user `cpu_cores` }}",
        "RAM":              "{{ user `ram_mb` }}",
        "RAM_reserve_all": true,

        "disk_controller_type":  "pvscsi",
        "disk_size":        "{{ user `disk_size_gb` }}",
        "disk_thin_provisioned": true,

        "iso_paths": [
            "[xxxxxxxxx] upload/CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1810.iso", 
            "[xxxxxxxxx] upload/kickstart.iso"

        "boot_order": "disk,cdrom"

    "provisioners": [
        "type": "shell",
        "inline": [ "ls /"],
        "execute_command": "echo 'root' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'",
        "pause_before": "10s"

kickstart file ks.cfg:

# Basic Configuration
lang en_US
keyboard fr
eula --agreed
timezone Europe/Paris --isUtc
rootpw $1$GDX6u2Ls$AZ4Eq5d07tPglQKSYL5j4/ --iscrypted
#platform x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
# Installation
# BootLoader
bootloader --location=mbr --timeout=10 --append="rhgb quiet crashkernel=auto"
# Partition
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=sda
autopart --type=lvm
# Auth
auth --passalgo=sha512 --useshadow
# Disable selinux & Fw
selinux --disabled
firewall --disabled
# No GUI
firstboot --disable
# Post installation
%post --nochroot --interpreter=/bin/bash
yum install -y open-vm-tools
systemctl enable vmtoolsd
systemctl start vmtoolsd
yum install -y vim
yum install -y redhat-lsb-core
yum update -y
# Packages

Thanks for your help.

jason-azze commented 5 years ago

Thanks for providing some examples, friends. You saved me a ton of time while getting CentOS 7 working with vSphere 5.5.

I also had to get CentOS 6 working. Here are a few things I learned.

%post --log=/root/ks-post.log
echo "search" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y open-vm-tools
service vmtoolsd start
chkconfig vmtoolsd on

Another CentOS 6 quirk if you are copy-and-pasting the examples here.

And extra thanks to @sudomateo for the example up there ^^^. You saved me a ton of time with CentOS 7. But watch our for that "disk_size": 16,. That only gives you 16MB. It had me scratching my head for a bit. :-)

MacFlurry commented 5 years ago

That only gives you 16MB. It had me scratching my head for a bit. :-)

Haha , indeed. that also turned me crazy until I figured out that it was in MB. 😂😂

MacFlurry commented 5 years ago

for vsphere 6.5 I made Packer and Kickstart successfully work for template VM.

sudomateo commented 5 years ago

And extra thanks to @sudomateo for the example up there ^^^. You saved me a ton of time with CentOS 7. But watch our for that "disk_size": 16,. That only gives you 16MB. It had me scratching my head for a bit. :-)

You're very welcome! Haha at the time of my writing, the disk_size parameter was in gigabytes. Sorry for the confusion! I'll edit my response above.

@jason-azze @MacFlurry

luckyinva commented 4 years ago

for vsphere 6.5 I made Packer and Kickstart successfully work for template VM.

@MacFlurry Can you post the code that you go to work?

MacFlurry commented 4 years ago

for vsphere 6.5 I made Packer and Kickstart successfully work for template VM.

@MacFlurry Can you post the code that you go to work?

oh sorry, I've been pretty busy lately. Do you still need the code?

MacFlurry commented 4 years ago

Just in case someone want it:

    "variables": {
      "vcenter_host": "{{env `VCENTER_HOST` }}",
      "vcenter_user": "admin_name",
      "vcenter_password": "{{env `VCENTER_PASSWORD` }}",
      "ssh_host": "{{env `SSH_HOST` }}",
      "ssh_port": "22",
      "ssh_user": "root",
      "ssh_password": "put_password_here",
      "vm_name": "vmname_goes_here",
      "dc": "{{env `VCENTER_DATACENTER` }}",
      "cluster": "{{env `VCENTER_CLUSTER` }}",
      "network": "{{env `VCENTER_NETWORK` }}",
      "storage": "{{env `VCENTER_STORAGE` }}",
      "ks_file": "ks.cfg",
      "cpu_cores": "1",
      "ram_mb": "1024",
      "disk_size_mb": "14336"

    "builders": [
        "type": "vsphere-iso",

        "vcenter_server":      "{{ user `vcenter_host` }}",
        "username":            "{{ user `vcenter_user` }}",
        "password":            "{{ user `vcenter_password` }}",
        "insecure_connection": "true",
        "ssh_username": "{{ user `ssh_user` }}",
        "ssh_password": "{{ user `ssh_password` }}",
        "ssh_timeout": "600s",
        "ssh_port": "{{ user `ssh_port` }}",
        "ssh_host": "{{ user `ssh_host` }}",

        "datacenter": "{{ user `dc` }}",
        "cluster": "{{ user `cluster` }}",
        "network": "{{ user `network` }}",
        "network_card": "vmxnet3",
        "datastore": "{{ user `storage` }}",
        "vm_name": "{{ user `vm_name` }}",
        "guest_os_type": "centos7_64Guest",

        "CPUs":             "{{ user `cpu_cores` }}",
        "RAM":              "{{ user `ram_mb` }}",
        "RAM_reserve_all": true,
        "convert_to_template": true,

        "disk_controller_type":  "pvscsi",
        "disk_size":        "{{ user `disk_size_mb` }}",
        "disk_thin_provisioned": true,

        "iso_paths": [
            "[datastore_name] directory/centos_7_original.iso"

        "floppy_files": [
        "boot_wait": "10s",
        "boot_command": "<esc> <wait> linux inst.text inst.ks=hd:fd0:/ks.cfg <enter>"

    "provisioners": [
        "type": "shell",
        "inline": [ "ls /"],
        "execute_command": "echo 'root' | {{.Vars}} sudo -S -E bash '{{.Path}}'",
        "pause_before": "10s"
soakes commented 4 years ago

@MacFlurry Thanks very much for the snippet, that saves me a little time :)

MacFlurry commented 4 years ago

You're welcomed :-)

kbcz1989 commented 4 years ago


This will not work on CentOS 8+. I had to revert to http..

ideologysec commented 4 years ago

@kbcz1989 confirmed. I haven't had a chance to dig into why, but I think either kickstart dropped floppy support or the default vmware/floppy driver isn't included anymore.

allaboutopensource commented 4 years ago

i am able to spin the vm in vmware esxi 6.7 but the build is failing at "Build 'vsphere-iso' errored: Timeout waiting for SSH"

getting an error

“2020/04/10 04:40:05 packer-builder-vsphere-iso plugin: [DEBUG] TCP connection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp i/o timeout”

i have given the same ssh_username, password what is there in the kickstart file but still the same . ssh_timeout is 5min .

my kickstart file is as below:

Basic Configuration

lang en_US keyboard fr cmdline eula --agreed timezone Europe/Paris --isUtc network --onboot yes --device ens192 --bootproto static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --hostname=centos.local --noipv6 services --enabled=iptables,rsyslog,sshd,NetworkManager user --groups=wheel --homedir=/home/itops --name=itops --iscrypted --password=$1$c2dnIt5L$UsKvFG/u0Mzh7VBHfOR3c0 rootpw --iscrypted $1$c2dnIt5L$UsKvFG/u0Mzh7VBHfOR3c0

platform x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T



text cdrom


bootloader --location=mbr --timeout=10 --append="rhgb quiet crashkernel=auto" zerombr sshpw --username root $1$c2dnIt5L$UsKvFG/u0Mzh7VBHfOR3c0 --iscrypted


clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=sda autopart --type=lvm


auth --passalgo=sha512 --useshadow

Disable selinux & Fw

selinux --disabled firewall --disabled


skipx firstboot --disable

Post installation

%post --nochroot --interpreter=/bin/bash yum install -y vim mv /etc/ssh/sshd_config.anaconda /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl start sshd %end


%packages @^minimal @core -usbutils %end reboot --eject

kbcz1989 commented 4 years ago

@allaboutopensource so, installation finishes or not? Do you see the IP address in VSphere? Can you connect manually to that IP from packer IP?

allaboutopensource commented 4 years ago

i can see the IP address in the vsphere with the login page showing up but i cannot ping the ip address and nor tenlet to 22 port.

kbcz1989 commented 4 years ago

That sounds like a network problem. If you install the machine manually and set the same ip, can you then ping/telnet from packer machine?

allaboutopensource commented 4 years ago

i am able to create the vm with manually assigned ip address but it just taking more then 5 minutes to activate the network on it.

one more thing is that when i try to login to the vmware vm console manually with the username and password it says incorrect login.