jetbridge / flask_cognito

Flask authentication with JWT against AWS Cognito
MIT License
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Flask-cognito Error #27

Open ghaurii opened 6 months ago

ghaurii commented 6 months ago

Hi, I am trying to Implement User Authentication in Flask using Amazon Cognito. I am using python 3.9 and installed flask and flask-cognito

I'm encountering an issue while using flask_cognito in my Flask app. When running the app (python, I'm getting the following ImportError: ImportError: cannot import name '_request_ctx_stack' from 'flask' (/path/to/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/flask/

Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

revmischa commented 6 months ago

It may rely on an older, undocumented API Fixes are most welcome! I'm not maintaining this library anymore

daniel-panhead commented 6 months ago

Unfortunately _request_ctx_stack has been removed from Flask in the latest versions. I have made a PR #28 which uses the application context instead to store data, which seems to fix the issue.

revmischa commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your contribution! I'm releasing it now