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RenderCachedRawContent - does not work. Or I do not understand how to use it. #335

Open LarryBS opened 7 years ago

LarryBS commented 7 years ago
public string RenderCachedRawContent(string bundleName)
            var cacheKey = CachePrefix + "_raw_" + bundleName;

            var output = rawContentCache.GetContent(cacheKey);
            if (output == null)
                bundleState = rawContentBundleStateCache[cacheKey];
                if (bundleState == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No cached bundle state named {0} was found.", bundleName));
                output = RenderRawContent(bundleName);
            return output;

The method falls when trying to fetch the output from the dictionary which does not contain the key as yet. May be I use the method not correctly. Could you explain how to? Or there is a bug.

Thank you!

AlexCuse commented 7 years ago

Are you using "RenderCachedRawContent" to do your initial rendering? I'm guessing that is the problem, it is not terribly obvious.

I think you might be the first person to use this. @jkodroff needed it at some point but don't think he ever ended up using it.

LarryBS commented 7 years ago

Yes, guessed you'd answer this way. You see, I've got a task to realize this In short, it requires that part of the CSS is loaded into the header directly. So in general the RenderRawContent suits me well, but not cached. So I tried the RenderCachedRawContent and it falls.

By all means thank you for your work!