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[Bug]: zshenv is not sourced #1582

Closed wrdls closed 10 months ago

wrdls commented 10 months ago

Current Behavior (bug)

.zshenv doesn't seem to be sourced which breaks my oh-my-zsh install.

Starting a devbox shell...
/Users/wardloos/.zshrc:source:41: no such file or directory: /
/Users/wardloos/.zshrc:235: command not found: compdef

Oh-my-zsh is installed with home-manager (with fleek) which adds the following lines:




source $ZSH/

From the output / it seems like $ZSH is unset which makes me believe .zshenv is not sourced properly.

Expected Behavior (fix) .zshenv is sourced properly.

Additional context

❯ devbox version -v                                                         
Version:     0.7.1
Platform:    darwin_arm64
Commit:      9444baeabcb69c2ec8d67ce57536a44171843d9d
Commit Time: 2023-10-19T19:11:54Z
Go Version:  go1.21.3
Launcher:    0.2.0
savil commented 10 months ago


  1. where are your .zshenv and .zshrc located?
  2. what is the value of ZDOTDIR ?

I notice Devbox doesn't respect ZDOTDIR when linking the zsh startup files to the devbox shell. I suspect that is the cause here, but wanted confirmation. Thanks!

wrdls commented 10 months ago
❯ ls -la ~/.zsh*
-rw------- 1 wardloos 374430 Oct 25 08:48 /Users/wardloos/.zsh_history
lrwxr-xr-x 1 wardloos     70 Oct 24 13:59 /Users/wardloos/.zshenv -> /nix/store/c719kah6r377splyz4x0cy4gx30d8b6l-home-manager-files/.zshenv
lrwxr-xr-x 1 wardloos     69 Oct 24 13:59 /Users/wardloos/.zshrc -> /nix/store/c719kah6r377splyz4x0cy4gx30d8b6l-home-manager-files/.zshrc

ZDOTDIR is not set.

I tried enabling programs.zsh.dotDir like this:

    dotDir = ".config/zsh";

Which results in

❯ echo $ZDOTDIR
❯ ls -la ~/.zsh*
-rw------- 1 wardloos 372406 Oct 25 09:10 /Users/wardloos/.zsh_history
lrwxr-xr-x 1 wardloos     70 Oct 25 08:58 /Users/wardloos/.zshenv -> /nix/store/rrfynsc54n6j25p9pyqgkaimichnvh52-home-manager-files/.zshenv
❯ ls -la ~/.config/zsh 
-rw-r--r--  1 wardloos 53362 Oct 25 09:06 '.zcompdump-Ward’s MacBook Pro-5.9'
lrwxr-xr-x  1 wardloos    84 Oct 25 08:58  .zprofile -> /nix/store/rrfynsc54n6j25p9pyqgkaimichnvh52-home-manager-files/.config/zsh/.zprofile
drwx------  4 wardloos   128 Oct 25 09:00  .zsh_sessions
lrwxr-xr-x  1 wardloos    82 Oct 25 08:58  .zshenv -> /nix/store/rrfynsc54n6j25p9pyqgkaimichnvh52-home-manager-files/.config/zsh/.zshenv
lrwxr-xr-x  1 wardloos    81 Oct 25 08:58  .zshrc -> /nix/store/rrfynsc54n6j25p9pyqgkaimichnvh52-home-manager-files/.config/zsh/.zshrc
❯ cat ~/.zshenv                
source $HOME/.config/zsh/.zshenv

But that makes my experience worse as not even starship is loaded now when entering the devbox shell.

savil commented 10 months ago

When I try it on my mac using the compiled Devbox from main, it seems to work for me:

My setup:

❯ ls -al ~/.zshenv
lrwxr-xr-x 1 savil staff 29 Oct 25 16:59 /Users/savil/.zshenv -> /Users/savil/zsh-test/.zshenv

devbox on  main [$] via 🐹 v1.21.1 via ❄️  impure (nix-shell-env) on ☁️  (us-east-2)
❯ cat /Users/savil/zsh-test/.zshenv
export FOO_ENV=bar

> cat ~/.zshrc
  echo "FOO_ENV is $FOO_ENV"

Opening a new devbox shell, I see this:

❯ devbox shell
Starting a devbox shell...
FOO_ENV is bar

Are you sure nothing is writing to ZSH in your .zshrc prior to that line source $ZSH/

wrdls commented 10 months ago

This is my complete $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc as generated by home-manager up until source $ZSH/

typeset -U path cdpath fpath manpath

for profile in ${(z)NIX_PROFILES}; do
  fpath+=($profile/share/zsh/site-functions $profile/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/functions $profile/share/zsh/vendor-completions)


eval $(/nix/store/g9pvwpwpgkhzlq0kv4bbllclm18kv0gj-coreutils-9.3/bin/dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors)

## home-manager/antidote begin :
source /nix/store/lja5zc06brg08cw2ril80ijxi76g1d8b-antidote-1.9.2/share/antidote/antidote.zsh

zstyle ':antidote:bundle' file $bundlefile
zstyle ':antidote:static' file $staticfile

antidote load $bundlefile $staticfile

## home-manager/antidote end

# Oh-My-Zsh/Prezto calls compinit during initialization,
# calling it twice causes slight start up slowdown
# as all $fpath entries will be traversed again.

# oh-my-zsh extra settings for plugins

# oh-my-zsh configuration generated by NixOS
plugins=(git sudo colored-man-pages command-not-found docker)

source $ZSH/


And $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv

# Environment variables
. "/Users/wardloos/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/"

# Only source this once
if [[ -z "$__HM_ZSH_SESS_VARS_SOURCED" ]]; then




The shell related parts of my user.nix in fleek.

{ pkgs, misc, ... }: {
  # FEEL FREE TO EDIT: This file is NOT managed by fleek.

  # See
  programs.atuin.enable = true;
  programs.bat.enable = true;
  programs.direnv.enable = true;
  programs.fzf.enable = true;
  programs.starship = {
    enable = true;
    settings = {
      cmd_duration = {
        show_notifications = true;
      kubernetes = {
        disabled = false;
        format = "[$symbol$context(/$namespace)]($style) | ";
      line_break = {
        disabled = false;
      status = {
        disabled = false;
  programs.zsh = {
    antidote = {
      enable = true;
      plugins = [
    dotDir = ".config/zsh";
    oh-my-zsh = {
      enable = true;
      plugins = [
wrdls commented 10 months ago

I tried and that seems to work 👍

☸ devbox on  savil/zdotdir via 🐹 v1.20.8 took 5s 
❯ devbox shell
Starting a devbox shell...
(devbox) wardloos@Wards-MacBook-Pro devbox % exit

☸ devbox on  savil/zdotdir via 🐹 v1.20.8 took 2s 
❯ ./dist/devbox shell                                                                                                            
Ensuring packages are installed.
✓ Computed the Devbox environment.
Starting a devbox shell...

☸ devbox on  savil/zdotdir via 🐹 v1.21.1 via ❄️  impure (nix-shell-env) 
savil commented 10 months ago

@wrdls I'm glad to hear that. I still don't understand why its now working. Nothing about the zsh config files you shared stand out as being problematic :/