jetify-com / devbox

Instant, easy, and predictable development environments
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devbox help --> description for devbox list ist wrong #2062

Open michi-zuri opened 1 month ago

michi-zuri commented 1 month ago

What happened?

running devbox help gives the following output:

Instant, easy, predictable development environments

  devbox [flags]
  devbox [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add a new package to your devbox
  auth        Devbox auth commands
  cache       Collection of commands to interact with nix cache
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  create      Initialize a directory as a devbox project using a template
  generate    Generate supporting files for your project
  global      Manage global devbox packages
  help        Help about any command
  info        Display package info
  init        Initialize a directory as a devbox project
  install     Install all packages mentioned in devbox.json
  list        List global packages
  rm          Remove a package from your devbox
  run         Run a script or command in a shell with access to your packages
  search      Search for nix packages
  secrets     Interact with devbox secrets in jetpack cloud.
  services    Interact with devbox services.
  shell       Start a new shell with access to your packages
  shellenv    Print shell commands that add Devbox packages to your PATH
  update      Update packages in your devbox
  version     Print version information

  -h, --help    help for devbox
  -q, --quiet   suppresses logs

Use "devbox [command] --help" for more information about a command.

the description of the list command (not global list!) reads: List global packages, but should be something like list packages mentioned in devbox.json or something like that.

Steps to reproduce

run devbox help

Ps. the command help is not selectable in the dropdown of the bug issue template.


No response


No response

Devbox version


Nix version

No response

What system does this bug occur on?

macOS (Apple Silicon)

Debug logs

No response