jetlfj / pe

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Missing use cases #14

Open jetlfj opened 1 year ago

jetlfj commented 1 year ago


The use cases provided are very limited, and do not include prominent features such as pay and sort, the former of which requires multiple steps.

soc-pe-bot commented 1 year ago

Team's Response

We are not expected to include every use case according to week 7.


It is a duplicate issue as the 1147 because they both refer to the same issue of missing use case for payment.

The 'Original' Bug

[The team marked this bug as a duplicate of the following bug]

Missing use case

Note from the teaching team: This bug was reported during the Part II (Evaluating Documents) stage of the PE. You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.

Use case such as for the command pay is missing.

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2223S1/pe-interim#981] [original labels: severity.VeryLow type.DocumentationBug]

Their Response to the 'Original' Bug

[This is the team's response to the above 'original' bug]

Pay command makes use of the index in the schedule panel, which is permanently displayed by default (bottom right of the app). The tutor only needs to input the command "pay 1 10" to record that the student at index 1 is paying $10. The use case of "pay" hence only involves one single step to complete, and therefore it is not required to be listed as a use case as stated on the module website.


Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue duplicate status

Team chose to mark this issue as a duplicate of another issue (as explained in the Team's response above)

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: image.png

Although the actual user input has only a single step, there are multiple extensions to consider. Apart from the main success scenario where the given amount is paid correctly, the following scenarios are also possible and should be documented:

  1. The given command is in an invalid format.

  2. The given index is in an invalid format.

  3. The given amount is in an invalid format.

  4. The amount being paid is more than the amount owed.

As such, I believe that this is a use case that should have been documented.

:question: Issue severity

Team chose [severity.VeryLow] Originally [severity.Low]

Reason for disagreement: This is clearly not a severity.VeryLow as it is not a purely cosmetic issue. Use cases are useful for developers to understand the functional requirements of the system and omitting them can lead to some confusion and lapse in knowledge.