jetmore / swaks

Swaks - Swiss Army Knife for SMTP
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Consider --no-token or --data-fixup-minimal or something #51

Open jetmore opened 2 years ago

jetmore commented 2 years ago

User had issue (reported via email) where \n getting replaced in message body broke S/MIME. --no-data-fixup helped, but then other stuff had to be massaged (specifically the line-endings had to be explicitly fixed).

Maybe --no-data-fixup could take an option of things not to touch. For instance trailing-dot, line-endings, tokens, etc. In this use case the use could have just run with --no-data-fixup tokens (\n is seen as a token internally) and been happy. all would induce the current behavior, and the default arg for --no-data-fixup would be all.