jetmore / swaks

Swaks - Swiss Army Knife for SMTP
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Try all MX servers of destination domain #53

Open ohopp opened 1 year ago

ohopp commented 1 year ago

I would helpfull to tell swaks to try all MX records of the destination domain. Currently it aborts if the first (lowest) MX server is down or refuses the connection. I know I can force it via "-s" but I am thinking of just specifiing "-t" without dig-ing for the MX records first.

Background info: I am using swaks to verify a (big) bunch of external forwarding addresses with the "--quit-after RCPT " switch and currently it fails, if the first MX of the destination domain is down or busy. So a switch like "--try-all-MX" would be helpfull. Maybe together with a timeout parameter "--MX-timeout "