jetmore / swaks

Swaks - Swiss Army Knife for SMTP
GNU General Public License v2.0
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create smtp smuggling recipe #89

Open jetmore opened 5 months ago

jetmore commented 5 months ago

A user asked if a test for smtp smuggling could be added to swaks. Swaks is not a vul scanner and I don't want to add tests for specific vulnerabilities. However, I do support swaks being used as a scanner as people find it useful. Are there any features swaks is missing to craft a test for smtp smuggling?

Note this fits well with the broad idea to make swaks use a DSL internally, then to translate "standard" functionality into that DSL. That would allow users to create novel combinations of transaction options without requiring swaks argument processing to directly support/implement each feature. If something like that existed, it would be relatively easy to add new edge cases like this locally