jetmore / swaks

Swaks - Swiss Army Knife for SMTP
GNU General Public License v2.0
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weird command expansion in bash #91

Closed devZer0 closed 4 months ago

devZer0 commented 5 months ago

when i do

swaks --to --from --server localhost --h-Subject: "Test Test!!"

the command fails with

swaks --to --from --server localhost --h-Subject: "Test Testswaks --to --from --server localhost --h-Subject: "Test Test!"" *** Data left in option list when processing command line ('Test!'). Exiting

swaks version 20201014.0 (debian 12.4)

jetmore commented 5 months ago

It has something to do with !! pulling from your shell's history. Try it either without using !! or using single quotes instead of double quotes (eg 'Test Test!!')

jetmore commented 4 months ago

closing as no response. Feel free to reopen if you have more information