jetpacapp / DeepBeliefSDK

The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework
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jpcnn_print_predictor buggy? #26

Open maxi-mus opened 9 years ago

maxi-mus commented 9 years ago

I'm changing the learning example so that the predictor output can be saved as a file inside the app's documents directory instead of being output to the console. This already works, however I've run into issues due to what I believe is a bug in the mentioned method. After jpcnn_print_predictor(predictor) is called, no further fprintf or NSLog calls deliver anything to the console, leading me to believe that the jpcnn_print_predictor method must somehow not 'close' properly.

So, even in your own example, "------------- end of SVM File output - copy lines above ------------\n" is never printed.

maxi-mus commented 9 years ago

Luckily, this concerns only the console output, and I can save multiple objects correctly, so not really that big of a deal atm

joeldrotleff commented 9 years ago

Ah I just noticed the same issue.

Can you provide your code to output predictors to a file? That would be helpful to me as well.

maxi-mus commented 9 years ago

You basically just redirect the output to a text file

tranduytan248 commented 8 years ago

how to get output predictors and write to file?