jetpacapp / DeepBeliefSDK

The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework
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iOS examples without SquareCam code #47

Open maxi-mus opened 9 years ago

maxi-mus commented 9 years ago

I would find it extremely helpful if the code examples involved none of this outdated and bulky SquareCam code, but just a simple & clean AVCaptureSession setup. Maybe the examples could be changed sometimes in the future. For now, I would be very grateful if someone could share the files and or code of such a setup with me.

yanglinfang commented 9 years ago

Agree! For me, I can't even use the code in the square cam and build it for a sample app: ( Keep throwing linker errors.
I'm new to iOS so pardon if I'm doing something obviously not going to work. It would be great if the library is simpler and with updated framework. Lin

yanglinfang commented 9 years ago

Found a way to resolve the linker error by adding "-lc++" to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings