jetpacapp / DeepBeliefSDK

The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework
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cmake based windows port #62

Open es0m opened 8 years ago

es0m commented 8 years ago

Hi, I created a cmake file to generate a Windows version of your sdk. Tested with Eigen32 and OpenCV 2.4.12.

Support for VS 2012, 2013, 2015 32 & 64bit.

It requires Eigen3. Linux and "tool" examples are generated, the OpenCV example only if OpenCV is found.

Usage (in DeepBeliefSDK):

cd source
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=...path_to_Eigen _directory cmake --build . --config Release
Release\jpcnn.exe  --network ..\..\networks\jetpac.ntwk -m single --input ..\..\examples\SimpleLinux\lena.png -t


0.017263        wool
0.016598        cardigan
0.011202        kimono
0.010373        miniskirt
0.014470        crayfish
0.015726        brassiere
0.015174        harp
0.017674        sandal
0.023290        holster
0.012977        velvet
0.060942        bonnet
0.019411        stole
0.027732        maillot
0.010727        gown
0.073340        wig
0.012688        hand blower
0.029984        stage
0.026289        umbrella
0.012405        sarong
Classification took 307 milliseconds

To specify & build the OpenCV example, use

cmake .. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=...path_to_Eigen _directory -DOpenCV_DIR=..path_to_OpenCVConfig.cmake 

to create the .sln file.