jetperch / pyjoulescope

Joulescope driver and utilities
Apache License 2.0
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Python32-bit is not installed #36

Open gavin100200 opened 4 months ago

gavin100200 commented 4 months ago

An error occurs when installing joulescope in python3.10.1 32-bit ERROR: Failed building wheel for pyjoulescope-driver ERROR: Could not build wheels for pyjoulescope-driver, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Is it not possible to install 32-bit only 64-bit?

mliberty1 commented 4 months ago

Hi @gavin100200 - We only officially support 64-bit python on 64-bit operating systems. We only distribute pre-compiled wheels for 64-bit platforms. However, you should be able to run 32-bit python on 32-bit operating system.

The error message you posted is definitely truncated. The actual error would have been displayed previously. Since we do not distribute 32-bit wheels, this machine has to be configured to build source code, which I suspect is the issue.

Some questions:

  1. What operating system are you using?
  2. What is the output of python -VV (two V)? You may need to run python3 -VV on linux.
mliberty1 commented 4 months ago
