jetperch / pyjoulescope_ui

Joulescope graphical user interface
Apache License 2.0
75 stars 23 forks source link

Feature/1 0 #180

Closed mliberty1 closed 1 year ago

mliberty1 commented 1 year ago

Preparing for alpha release!



The first alpha release for the new Joulescope UI 1.x. Limited testing performed. This release may crash and lose data. Not recommended for production use without thorough understanding of the issues listed below.

This release features a major overhaul to the Joulescope UI. The prior Joulescope UI 0.10.x and earlier has been an excellent tool for the past 4 years, but several major architectural choices hampered new feature development and full JS220 support.

Key improvements coming in the 1.x release series include:

While all of these features are underway, they are not all ready. This first alpha release nearly reaches feature parity with the previous 0.10.x release.

2023 Mar 9

Tips for use

Features temporarily removed

The Joulescope UI 1.x is reconstructed. We started from a stripped-down application and migrated / ported code back in. We have not yet completed this process. Here are the features that are knowingly not included in this release:

If you find other missing features, please post on the Joulescope forum.

Known issues

JS220 features still not implemented