jetperch / pyjoulescope_ui

Joulescope graphical user interface
Apache License 2.0
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Add option to lock waveform widget dual marker position relative to most recent streaming data. #200

Closed mliberty1 closed 11 months ago

mliberty1 commented 12 months ago

Joulescope model


UI version


Your idea

With the Joulescope UI 0.10.x and earlier, the dual markers remained in a fixed location on the screen. As the waveform scrolled by, the dual markers would display statistics from whatever part of the waveform was within that region.

We received lots of complaints about this behavior as it makes it difficult to analyze waveform features without pausing live streaming data. For host computers with lots of RAM, customers wanted to keep running without losing part of the waveform. This behavior was a problem.

With Joulescope UI 1.0, we update the UI to keep the dual markers fixed relative to the waveform. As the waveform scrolls by, so do the markers until they eventually scroll offscreen. This addresses the very common complaint in 0.10.x.

However, it turns out that some Joulescope UI users came to rely on this feature. If you know you expected waveform, you can strategically add dual markers. With appropriate spacing, you can simultaneously measure sleep (dual markers), active (same or second set of dual markers), and average (right-hand statistics). The Joulescope UI 1.0 removes this ability.

The Joulescope UI should add a feature to have "floating" dual markers that behave like the 0.10.x and earlier markers.

I can't help but laugh. The customer reporting this issue included this XKCD.

Does your idea concern a specific OS?


mliberty1 commented 11 months ago

Added to 1.0.27