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How To Build EasyRPG Player, windows #2

Open jetrotal opened 1 year ago

jetrotal commented 1 year ago

1. Download Tools from Visual Studio 2019

First of all you need to download two apps from the Visual Studio 2019 download page: ![image]( ![image](

2. Install the correct packages from VS2019

when installing those apps, you may need to tick the following extra C++ packages:` VS2019 ![image]( VS2019 Build Tools (they are the same as the one from VS2019) ![image]( I also suggest only installing the english translation. If something doesn't work, it will be easier to find help with the EN version of it. ![image](

3. Download EasyRPG Player Repository and Player Toolchain

Now that you have those tools, download two files from the player: - Github Repo from the player: ![image]( - Player's Toolchain for windows: ![image](

4. Put Player and Toolchair Together

Create a `vcpkg` folder inside inside the Player Repository you just downloaded, and put the `Toolchain Files and Folders` inside of it ![image](

5. Use VS2019's Prompt Window to Build the Player

Right click the Player's Repository Folder and select `Open With Visual Studio` ![image]( Go to the search bar at the top of the window and type `Developer Command Prompt` and hit Enter. ![image]( On the Command Prompt Screen, enter the following command: ```cmd rmdir /Q /s "build" & cmake . -A x64 -B build -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=.\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPLAYER_BUILD_LIBLCF=ON ``` After the cmd finishes its tasks, go to the new `Build` folder inside player, and double click the file `EasyRPG_Player.sln` ![image](

6. Run your Build

Once you openned `EasyRPG_Player.sln`, right click `EasyRPG_Player_exe` and select `Set as Startup Project` ![image]( ![image]( Finally, hit the green play button on the top of the window, and you are good to go! ![image](

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