jetsonhacks / bootFromExternalStorage

Shell scripts to setup a NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier, Xavier NX, AGX Orin, or Orin Nano Developer Kit to boot from external storage.
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Is it possible to assign more than 32GB to the rootfs? #16

Open Dreadlocke1984 opened 2 years ago

Dreadlocke1984 commented 2 years ago

I tried flashing Jetson Xavier AGX using this git repository. However, I need more space than 32GB for the installations, hence after flashing and setting up Xavier, I tried increasing the partition size assigned to rootfs. This actually corrupted my SSD. And if I attach the SSD, my xavier board is not booting properly. Is there a way to control the memory size being allocated, during flashing? Is there a way to do it after successful flashing? Device specifications - Target - Jetson Xavier AGX Host - Ubuntu 18.04 External storage - Samsung 1 TB nvme SSD

gtirth commented 8 months ago

I tried flashing the jetson xavier nx after installing a nvme drive with jetpack version 5.1.2. It did not ask me for the disk size after succesfull boot up. When i looked at the df it only allocated 16GB out of 256GB I tried to remove all the unused partition and tried to resize the rootfs but when i restarted the jetson it did not boot up.

Am i doing something wrong by removing alll the partiions except the rootfs. I had to do it becasue free size was at the end and the rootfs was at the beginning on the gparted, Is there a way to solve it. I tried the jetpack 5.1.1 and did not have any problem It even asked for size of the disk.

Is there a solution for it?

Device specifications - Target - jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc Host - Ubuntu 22.04 External storage - Samsung 256 GB nvme SSD

SurajRobotics19 commented 2 months ago

I had a similar issue when i flashed my jetson xavier nx.

I used a slighly weird method but it seems to be working for now.

Use gparted to have a look at the partitions in the SSD.

the goal is to have some unallocated partition below the fileroot partition in order to resize it.

It's a little tedious but i will do my best to explain,

step 1 : delete the jetpack partition. step 2: create a temporary partition (around 300gb) ensure to leave some unallocated space below it step 3: copy each partition from above and paste it. (The pasted partition should be below the temporary partition you created) step 4: Once all the partitions are pasted, then delete all the original partitions except for the fileroot partition. step 5: By now the temporary partition should be below the fileroot partition, delete the temporary partition. step 6: Resize the fileroot partition as it has unallocated space below it.

It takes some time for the partition to save but it ended up working for me.

Not sure how long it will last though :D