jetsonhacks / installRealSenseSDK

Install the Intel RealSense SDK on the NVIDIA Jetson Development Kits
MIT License
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[FEATURE REQUEST] JetPack V5 support #18

Open IamShubhamGupto opened 1 year ago

IamShubhamGupto commented 1 year ago

JetPack v5 has been out for a while now and our team just upgraded the boards to the latest GA. However, we are struggling to install librealsense and pyrealsense2 as the latest JetPack version supported is v4.6. Another issue reporting the same problem faced by users -

There is apparently a way to install librealsense on JetPack v5, however, it lacks proper documentation. The method is mentioned here The related comments also provide hints of how to go about the installation.

End Goal

Have a new section / page describing how to install librealsense on jetpack v5

ryank-cobot commented 1 year ago

Hello - our team would also benefit from this documentation - specifically around support for multi-camera streaming.

weifengh103 commented 1 year ago

I have been trying to get pyrealsense2 work on JetPack V5 too, but I didn't have any luck (I am new to Linux). What I end up doing is to use the Ros-Realsense wrapper. This chinese website shows all the steps to install it -

I have Ros Noetic installed prior to that. After the wrapper is installed, you can get the both image and depth data from the Ros topic. You may need to learn a little bit of Ros to use this wrapper, but it is not very difficult.

This is the only way I can get it work now, and I hope they will support JetPack V5 in the future.

nakai-omer commented 1 year ago


I think the end goal should be different than described in the issue, the end goal should be support for latest Jetpack (5.1.0), using a debian installer instead of build from source which takes forever on a Jetson. A workaround until this is provided would be a page describing how to configure a successful installation on latest Jetpack that will enable IMU as well.