jetsonhacks / installRealSenseSDK

Install the Intel RealSense SDK on the NVIDIA Jetson Development Kits
MIT License
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[BUG]motion module fail when build from source #5

Closed longwoo closed 4 years ago

longwoo commented 4 years ago

Problem solved after I updated the firmware to


Describe the issue Please describe the issue When install from prebuild, everything is OK. BUT, When install from source, the realsensen-viewer gives motion module fail warning. The reason why I build from source is there is no pybinding in

What version of L4T/JetPack L4T/JetPack version: JetPack4.3 with Xavier

Which Intel RealSense camera(s) RealSense camera(s):435i

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: realsensen-viewer

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. No warning information show on the screen.

Additional context The warning is missing, after I updated the firmware to

Andrew5c commented 4 years ago

yes, @longwoo ,I have the same problem as you. what I used is Jetson Nano. what I meet is the following:

  1. I install the librealsense successfully follow the guides of great Jetsonhacks, by run the ./, and I run the realsense-viewer successfully. but the problem is that I don't see the SDK.
  2. After that, I run the sudo apt remove librealsense2 to remove the above install for next build. And I success to remove it.
  3. Then I run the ./ in Jetsonhacks github: . and again successfully builded. But the problem is when I run the realsense-viewer, and plug the T265 in Nano, it show nothing! no picture, no device. not like the case in STEP 1!! have you solved your problem? and can you tell me your method? Thanks very much.
longwoo commented 4 years ago


  1. ./ is enough if you don't need pyrealsense. You can build a project with the help of Cmake.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -O0 -std=c++11")

find_package(realsense2 REQUIRED)
set(DEPENDENCIES realsense2)

add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main ${DEPENDENCIES})
  1. If you really need build from source, you should check if all software version match, such as Jetpack, realsesen2 sdk version , and firmware. I can't check your issue since no Nano and T265 at hand .
Andrew5c commented 4 years ago

@longwoo ,thanks for your advice! Now, I want to install the librealsense by ./ again. But the question is I have run the ./ in my nano, Should I delete the files created by build operation? or just run the ./ again directly?

longwoo commented 4 years ago

@Andrew5c Yes, uninstall first ,or you may meet multiple realsense2 lib problem when using cmake find_package .Go to the librealsense/build path, and sudo make uninstall.

Andrew5c commented 4 years ago

@longwoo Hi, bro, sorry to trouble your again.

  1. thanks to your advice, I run the ./ again and have installed the librealsense successfully.
  2. And then I run the git clone to get the SDK, what makes me confused is that, I find the downloaded version is 2.32.1, However the latest version in offical librealsense github is 2.34.0. why is that?
  3. Now I want to install realsense-ros, however no version of realsense-ros is match with Librealsense SDK 2.32.1, which is downloaded by me.
  4. So, the question is what can I do to get a different librealsense SDK so that I can install the realsense-ros. Delete the SDK in my Ubuntu and clone a new one?

Thanks whatever!!

(by the way, can you give me your email so that we can communicate more conveniently? 👍 )