I have a K8S cluster deployed in AWS with kubeadm.
Some of my images comes from the ECR of the K8S AWS account and I wanted to use kube2iam annotation on version-checker pod to allow it to check for image tags but it does not seem to work :
time="2020-12-07T14:47:39Z" level=error msg="error syncing 'checkoutservice-78b576896d-9pk6z/microdemo': failed to sync pod checkoutservice-78b576896d-9pk6z/microdemo: failed to check container image \"server\": failed to get tags from remote registry for \"<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/google-samples/microservices-demo/checkoutservice\": failed to describe images: EmptyStaticCreds: static credentials are empty, requeuing" module=controller
Does the ECR authent only work with static credentials ?
Would it be possible to support kube2iam to avoid giving the pod static key and password ?
Something like this would also be useful for us. We could use the service-account with the annotation "eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn" : role-arn so that we don't have to hard-code keys anywhere.
I have a K8S cluster deployed in AWS with kubeadm. Some of my images comes from the ECR of the K8S AWS account and I wanted to use kube2iam annotation on version-checker pod to allow it to check for image tags but it does not seem to work :
version-checker pod :
version-checker logs :
Does the ECR authent only work with static credentials ? Would it be possible to support kube2iam to avoid giving the pod static key and password ? Thanks