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Final Steps #23

Closed jmcc0nn3ll closed 1 month ago

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

As we are heading into the deployment of the site, I wanted to open this issue to identify and track the final steps we need to take. AFAICT

Anything else?

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

@olamy @sbordet We need to decide once and for all how the build results from this repository are going to be pulled or pushed to

  1. cron job on pulls the _ghpages branch from here where we use the Actions @mojavelinux setup
  2. jenkins build job that is triggered via action
  3. ??
jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

Issue for coordinating with Eclipse on the redirect:

mojavelinux commented 2 months ago

Set up a Github Action to build this repository with Maven and

The command you need to run can be found in the current GitHub Actions workflow. See

Note that the ANTORA_CACHE_DIR environment variable is required for the time being.

mojavelinux commented 2 months ago

There is something missing from the list. You will need a build to produce and publish the UI bundle. An alternative is to build the UI bundle in the same job that generates the site. In other words, produce the UI bundle from source each time the site is generated. There's nothing wrong with that, though it makes it harder to test the site locally since there is no UI bundle at a publicly accessible URL.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

Eclipse IP issue to make sure they are fine with transferring this over.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

Well, It would appear that transferring the repository is a non-starter, we can not give eclipsewebmaster access to our company organization. @mojavelinux are you ok with my just hooking up a remote to a repo in the jetty organization and transferring repo content over? We'll lose the issue history.

joakime commented 2 months ago

couldn't we (webtide) transfer this to and then do the Eclipse IP from there to

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

looks like we might get away with just rights to the repo itself.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

This repository has been moved to the jetty organization.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

Trying to sort out how to have the UI artifact published here now.

mojavelinux commented 2 months ago

This repository was set up with the understanding that we would be using GitHub. Switching to GitLab requires that the CI workflows be redeveloped. This is not a quick fix.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

Gitlab is not my intention at all; that is just where I have to interact with the Eclipse webmasters. The linked issue is my trying to sort out the organization secret deal/otterdog goop with them so we can publish the UI artifact here.

mojavelinux commented 2 months ago

My mistake. When you said "published here now" then linked to GitLab, my mind jumped to the fact that you were trying to do it on GitLab. I get it now.

mojavelinux commented 2 months ago

Are we still waiting on anything to merge the PRs with the migrated content?

jmcc0nn3ll commented 2 months ago

@sbordet ?

We just had to stage a release for 10 and 11 for a client, but I am personally not aware of anything else pending.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 1 month ago

@olamy pls populate /var/www/ with the content you were working on

olamy commented 1 month ago

we might need more space on disk :)

jmcc0nn3ll commented 1 month ago

some back and forth on the #23 but good to close out this issue, finally!

mojavelinux commented 1 month ago

Hooray! :tada: Congratulations on a successful migration!