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mvnw usage is not inherited #40

Closed jmcc0nn3ll closed 1 month ago

jmcc0nn3ll commented 1 month ago

19:55:18 [INFO] Running 'npx --offline antora --stacktrace --to-dir target/site --clean --fetch --extension @antora/collector-extension --extension lunr --extension jetty-downloads --extension register-asciidoctor-kroki --extension ./lib/router-extension.js --log-failure-level warn antora-playbook.yml' in /home/ubuntu/ 19:55:52 [INFO] [19:55:52.558] FATAL (antora): (@antora/collector-extension): Command not found: mvn install -ntp -B -Dcollector -Pfast -am -pl documentation/jetty in (branch: jetty-10.0.x | start path: documentation/jetty)

I am working on getting the build running in a new env where will be hosted and this mvnw usage is not inherited down into the underlying npx.

Not that I particularly expected it to be, but this does mean that mvn needs to be setup and we can't rely on the mvnw to work its magic.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 1 month ago

This is mostly an informational bug for you and @mojavelinux to be aware of, I don't know that there is a simple fixing this. Unless there is and I can be amazed! 👍

mojavelinux commented 1 month ago

The Jetty project doesn't itself use mvnw to my knowledge, which is why the collector command is configured the way it is (relying on the global mvn command). If it were to use mvnw, the command in antora.yml could be changed to mvnw. In that case, I would not expect it to be inherited, but rather to use the mvnw that is in that branch.

jmcc0nn3ll commented 1 month ago

awww i see, @olamy is this something we are interested in for jetty proper?

olamy commented 1 month ago

personally, I don't use mvnw, really. I'm happy with sdkman :) Jenkins can download Maven distro from our CI Nexus. If we add mvnw this will need to be downloaded from Maven central. BTW I can add some setup in the GHA to generate mvnw so we are sure a good version is used and not depends on some random GHA