jevakallio / react-native-reversed-flat-list

[DEPRECATED] A reversed React Native FlatList, useful for creating performant bottom-anchored lists for chats and whatnot
MIT License
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Attribution incorrect #4

Closed jeremyong closed 7 years ago

jeremyong commented 7 years ago

Just mentioning it as a matter that's not super important (something I happened to know since I was a previous user of invertible scroll view). The commit you point to as attributing the scale transform is just a refactor. The usage of double inversion dates all the way back to the beginning:

jevakallio commented 7 years ago

Hah, thanks! I did know about Charlie's matrix-based transform, but considered that (maybe too pedantically) a different technique from the scaleY transform.

In any case, React Native FlatList now supports reversed rendering out of the box using the inverted prop:

  <FlatList inverted {...} />

As such, this component is now deprecated.