jewlofthelotus / SlickQuiz

A jQuery plugin for creating pretty, dynamic quizzes.
MIT License
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New css class for answers #46

Closed Aybee closed 9 years ago

Aybee commented 10 years ago

A class correct or incorrect for each answer. To visualy point out the answer status in quizResults to give the user a chance to learn right answers and then run the test again.

Additionaly a class incorrectResponse as counterpart to correctResponse for li.question in quizResult.

See #43

jewlofthelotus commented 9 years ago

@Aybee Thanks for another great idea! I did modify the solution a bit to try to avoid quizzes being even more easily cheatable than they already are. So, now the answer classes won't get applied until the answer is submitted.

I also made sure that the classes would get reset when needed. You can see the changes here

Thanks again! And thank you for using SlickQuiz!

Aybee commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I just focused on the last result summary page.

Soon I will use SlickQuiz on a golf website project for a german golf quiz and will try your solution. If you like to see a styled preview of the quiz send me an email please.