jexp / batch-import

generic csv file neo4j batch importer
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No relations input #116

Closed jtgreen closed 9 years ago

jtgreen commented 9 years ago

When I run the following, no relations are inputed:

john@john-MS-7693:~/Dev/Sandbox/UMLSVis/batch-import$ java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx4G -jar target/batch-import-jar-with-dependencies.jar umls.db ../cuistr_agg.csv ../cuirel.csv Usage: Importer data/dir nodes.csv relationships.csv [node_index node-index-name fulltext|exact nodes_index.csv rel_index rel-index-name fulltext|exact rels_index.csv ....] Using: Importer umls.db ../cuistr_agg.csv ../cuirel.csv

which results in:

Using Existing Configuration File ............................. Importing 2929805 Nodes took 7 seconds

Importing 0 Relationships skipped (32808046) took 23 seconds

Total import time: 34 seconds

Config is: dump_configuration=false cache_type=none use_memory_mapped_buffers=true neostore.propertystore.db.index.keys.mapped_memory=5M neostore.propertystore.db.index.mapped_memory=5M neostore.nodestore.db.mapped_memory=200M neostore.relationshipstore.db.mapped_memory=500M neostore.propertystore.db.mapped_memory=200M neostore.propertystore.db.strings.mapped_memory=200M batch_import.csv.quotes=false batch_import.node_index.concepts=exact

heads of each files are:


cui:string:concepts syns stys C0000005 ['(131)I-MAA', '(131)I-Macroaggregated Albumin'] ['T116', 'T130', 'T121']


cui:string:concepts cui:string:concepts rela C0236642 C0270715 \N C0003787 C0037728 \N

I do not see a way to debug the why of the issue.
