jez500 / chorus

A Web UI for XBMC, focused on user experience and music. Get the latest version here:
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Feature Requests #10

Open jez500 opened 10 years ago

jez500 commented 10 years ago


jez500 commented 10 years ago


nairdaleo commented 10 years ago

• For keyboard navigation, may I suggest looking at:

so far I'm extremely pleased with this widget. The only downside is the documentation on keyboard shortcuts is not embedded on the widget so if I forget something I have to look it up in my saved location. Some times it's easier to swipe to the dashboard, some times I'm already using Chorus and would love to navigate with the shortcuts, there's room for an overlap in functionality!

• It would be nice if you could make a wake/sleep timer that would send a stop (or even exit, but stop is better for me) signal to the player for those times you want to fall asleep with a playlist going, but don't want it going all night. Similarly, you might want to wake up to a glorious playlist!

• YouTube / dailymotion / vimeo, etc enqueue service

• Queue after current option

By the way, chorus is amazing already!

wilderkaiser commented 10 years ago

HI jez ;-) what about Live TV Support?

Raytestrak commented 10 years ago

Hi Jez, it would be awesome if chorus had more editing options. Like titles, movie sets or artwork. That would be really great. For instance, I have the resident evil series and Indiana jones series. I had to edit the in the exported nfo and reimport them to show the in the proper order. Doing so from a web interface would be so much easier. Also, but maybe that's not even possible, it would be great if Chorus could make use of smart playlist that have been made by a user.

dr88dr88 commented 10 years ago

It would be great if Chorus would hide TV shows that don't have episodes in them when the option hide watched is activated.

It would also be great to see set support in movies. I have added all my home movies to XBMC via .nfo files and gave them a set name but now I get them all separated in the movie view.