jez500 / chorus

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Can't stream to browser (FF, Chrome, IE) #116

Open zedar187 opened 9 years ago

zedar187 commented 9 years ago

I can't use the local/"stream-to-browser" feature.

If I press play on the songs' thumbnail, it automatically adds it to the xbmc playlist and plays it on the host. If it's relevant: my music won't show up on the "Music"-tab. I have to use "Files" and then select my musicfolder.

Tested with: Firefox 39.0, Chrome "43.0.2357.134 m" and IE11 on two PCs with Win7 64bit Prof.

Server/Kodi host:

How can I investigate the issue?

jez500 commented 9 years ago

Maybe this?

zedar187 commented 9 years ago

After importing the music-folder to the database (right click, "import to databse"), I get the option to stream in browser and to download the file. Unfortunately I can't download ("File not found") nor listen through browser (gets added to queue, but nothing comes through the speakers).

The files are located on the SD card, where the OS is located at. Unlike in #36, where the problem seems to be the imported songs via USB/NFS.

After enabling the debug log, there are the following lines:

15:17:28 T:2767270928   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
15:17:28 T:2767270928   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /addons/webinterface.chorus/vfs/%2fsamba%2fpublic%2fmusic%2fScorpions%20-%20Love%20At%20First%20Sting%20(1984)%2f02.%20Rock%20You%20Like%20A%20Hurricane.mp3
15:17:28 T:2814374928    INFO: WebSocket: connection closed by client
15:17:28 T:2814374928    INFO: JSONRPC Server: Disconnection detected

Trying to listen:

15:18:52 T:2839540752   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1437398334447
15:18:52 T:2839540752   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
15:18:52 T:2839540752   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:18:52 T:2839540752   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /addons/webinterface.chorus/vfs/%2fsamba%2fpublic%2fmusic%2fScorpions%20-%20Love%20At%20First%20Sting%20(1984)%2f02.%20Rock%20You%20Like%20A%20Hurricane.mp3
15:18:52 T:2767270928   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc?tm=1437398334849

Any ideas?

boscorelly commented 8 years ago

Same problem here. Media is on internal drive. Stream never start.

packj commented 8 years ago

I have this issue too. osmc on raspberry pi. mp3 file on local rpi storage. File not found when I try to download. Play in browser fails... track duration never appears.

00:49:25 345.672729 T:1769329648   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
00:49:25 345.673218 T:1769329648   DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Files.PrepareDownload","id":1,"params":["/home/osmc/goflex/public/Audio/Music/MP3/The Chans/Christmas 2011/06-Fantasia on Greensleeves.mp3"]}
00:49:25 345.699402 T:1769329648   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /addons/webinterface.chorus/vfs/%2fhome%2fosmc%2fgoflex%2fpublic%2fAudio%2fMusic%2fMP3%2fThe%20Chans%2fChristmas%202011%2f06-Fantasia%20on%20Greensleeves.mp3
packj commented 8 years ago

I found a comment here that I think is helpful:

you can find it if you search on page for "vfs".

I found that if I replace /addons/webinterface.chorus/vfs/ with /vfs/ in my urls, I can get a successful download.

segui commented 8 years ago

I confirm the issue.

neroxyr commented 7 years ago

Having this issue. The above is not working for me. I can't download files from the Chorus web