jez500 / chorus

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Song title clipped off (Firefox 30, Mac) #65

Open alpha-ninja opened 10 years ago

alpha-ninja commented 10 years ago

Hey there,

the song title in the bottom bar is being clipped off in firefox, but only in the large (computer), not the small (mobile) view. Since I don't understand how you handle responsiveness, I'm submitting an issue instead of a pull request. This doesn't apply to the artist name, and it most likely is a quirk in gecko.

Anyway, to fix it, simply add overflow: visible to the song title in the large (computer) view.

alpha-ninja commented 10 years ago

Wait, this does apply in mobile view, but differently.

bertenvdb commented 9 years ago

Same problem on IceWeasel 24.8.0. Using userContent.css to fix it for now.

now-playing .playing-song-title,

now-playing .browser-playing-song-title,

browser-now-playing .playing-song-title,

browser-now-playing .browser-playing-song-title

{ overflow: visible !important; }