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A site to check if your Python project is compatible with Python 3
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Validate input #5

Closed brettcannon closed 10 years ago

brettcannon commented 10 years ago

If you check something made up like asdfdfsadfdfffffff it says that it's blocking, when in fact it's just invalid. Might help to grab the complete list of Python 3 projects and then do a check if a project is even listed in there to at least suggest it could be a typo from manual input.

jezdez commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that's not so great right now. It'd be great if it would even tell what similar projects there are. That said, this is dangerously close to search engine implementation :-/

brettcannon commented 10 years ago

Personally, I think if you fetch the project list from PyPI, lowercase everything, and then just do a set inclusion check that would be enough for validation and anything that doesn't match you can just list as "unknown", struck through, or something.

jezdez commented 10 years ago

Ah, yeah, that'd work. Awesome!