jezdez /

A site to check if your Python project is compatible with Python 3
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Track which packages are most often searched for #6

Open alex opened 10 years ago

alex commented 10 years ago

(Either directly or indirectly via requirements)

Then we can make a list of which packages are the most dependened on which don't have py3k support yet.

jezdez commented 10 years ago

I'm using redis lightly for the list of Python 3 compatible projects currently and could see this as a great way to figure out how persistence with redis works after all (YOLO)

In all seriousness though, I understand you have good intentions in showing which projects need help with porting. But it's a thin line to becoming another bullying project like the "wall of awesome". I'm not willing to provide the data for bullying. I'm sure this could be handled by delicate UI design so I'm going to think about it a bit and talk to a friend of mine. That's what I really like about search interfaces, they are private and not judging.

alex commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I totally understand that concern.