jezdez / textmate-missingdrawer

[UNMAINTAINED] A better sidebar for Textmate.
MIT License
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prevent 'scroll to top' on filesystem modification #34

Open iandennismiller opened 13 years ago

iandennismiller commented 13 years ago

Each time a file in a project is modified, the project drawer scrolls to the top when textmate loses and then receives focus.

I am hopeful that this plugin can hook the redraw function and prevent this behaviour. I would like the scrollbar to stay where it is, irrespective of whether or not textmate has or is receiving focus, and irrespective of any filesystem changes that occur within the project path.

To replicate:

  1. ensure your project drawer has enough items in it such that the scrollbar is visible
  2. scroll to the bottom of the drawer
  3. switch focus to a non-textmate application and create a new file in your project, e.g.:
  4. touch project_is_modified.txt
  5. switch focus back to textmate
  6. observe the drawer as it scrolls to the top

This is annoying default behaviour in textmate, but your plugin shows great promise... and I am hopeful that you can alter the default scrolling behaviour. Thanks!

mlr commented 12 years ago

+1 for this. I would also like to add:

Given you have a sufficiently long scrollbar for your drawer and you have multiple files open for your project, once you close a tab the drawer places focus on the file of tab that has taken focus. The effect is your drawer auto scrolls, depending on which file has taken over focus.

This is extremely annoying when you have a large project and your drawer auto scrolls, forcing you to re-find the folder you were working in.

rceee commented 11 years ago
