jezen / is-thirteen

Check if a number is equal to 13.
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Create a Technical Steering Committee #76

Closed aeharding closed 4 years ago

aeharding commented 8 years ago

In light of pull request #74, we should have a steering committee to discuss agenda items related to is-thirteen

We should take minutes every month or so as needed.

I think we should follow the Node conventions in how they transformed their project to have a committee.

We have 8 more seats available for those interested.


  1. @aeharding
  2. @gytdau
  3. @jezen
  4. @stephenpoole
  5. your name here
gytdau commented 8 years ago

I obviously automatically take a seat. Should this be held in the Gitter channels?

aeharding commented 8 years ago

@gytdau Yeah. I'll take notes on google docs

jezen commented 8 years ago

This is good i will bring biscuits

gytdau commented 8 years ago

Bring chocolate ones @jezen. And I swear to god if they have raisins I'm resigning.

jezen commented 8 years ago

I have made first commit of technical steering


miasmos commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm that contributor that submitted a 5 line PR and now feel entitled to have strong opinions about the direction of this project. Naturally, I feel that I am the ideal candidate for this committee.

aeharding commented 8 years ago

@stephenpoole Added!

miasmos commented 8 years ago

@aeharding Great, so what about 14?

jezen commented 8 years ago


aeharding commented 8 years ago

Arbitrarily denied? Hey look, we are a committee!

miasmos commented 8 years ago

@jezen I see you attached an image that reads 'denied'. I have similarily attached an image that instead reads what I would like it to say.

screen shot 2016-03-24 at 4 41 58 pm 2

I feel we've really made progress here.

miasmos commented 8 years ago

I can see a case for 12, I guess, but I think 14 is the future.

dideler commented 8 years ago

I would like to make a case for why I am the next technician steering committee member.

When I was 13 my teacher asked me what I want to be when I'm older. I said

I want to be important... I want to be a committee member!

To which she replied

Make up your mind Dennis and choose one

So I went with committee member and have never looked back.

This is the perfect opportunity. I can't help with the steering, but I can help Make America Great Again.

I'm counting you all and counting on you all to make the right decision.

dideler commented 8 years ago

I am working on renewing my expired driver's license so I can help with steering.

OceanOSdev commented 8 years ago

If there's still room for another member, I'd be happy to join this committee.

anknetau commented 8 years ago

I present my candidacy to join this committee. I offer:

  1. I will bring chocolate cookies to the meetings
  2. I will oppose any 12s or 14s or any other degenerate 13s, including the dreaded 12.9999999... recurring.
  3. will even shower every other meeting, whether I need to or not.

A vote for me is a vote for 13!

johnnymatthews commented 8 years ago

I too would like to join, however I have absolutely nothing to offer. No skills whatsoever. But I'll happily stand around, be the front man, and take all the credit.

You can call me Mr Jobs.

MattCordell commented 8 years ago

I'd like to nominate myself. I've contributed nothing and unlikely to join any meetings/calls, and if I do I will stay on mute.

world commented 8 years ago

I believe because of my superior git username and my position as pure leech to the community I will be a perfect fit for a highly opinionated but unmotivated member of your committee. @world for the win! Hello?

world commented 8 years ago

Is I really hate this project as I find its scope way to wide and there are too many contributors with different agendas. If you take me on I will consitently vote each month to close source this thing in order to improve quality and increase revenue. Thank you for considering my application.

world commented 8 years ago

I meant PS not Is. See I'm perfect.

macdja38 commented 7 years ago

I just found out about this project about 2 minutes ago but it already solves exactly 1 of my problems that I didn't even know was a problem. I think I'd bring a fresh outside perspective to the board and be able to bring what people outside the project think and see of the project into the committee were we can discuss it from all angles.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I should be on this committee because I brush my teeth twice a day.

BusbyActual commented 6 years ago

I would like to be a member of the technical community to discuss agendas. I feel I'm especially qualified as my favorite number is 13.

julian-a-avar-c commented 4 years ago

Why is this still open? We need to finalize this! My sister depends on it, and she's 13

Almenon commented 4 years ago

@jaacko-torus good point. Maybe we should create a committee to discuss finalizing the committee?

dideler commented 4 years ago

With the overwhelming submissions and wildly different ideas, we've ended up in a state of analysis paralysis. We clearly need a council to bring order. The council will handle the larger matters and the committees will sort out the details. I nominate myself as the first ~master~ member to sit on the council.

BusbyActual commented 4 years ago

And then there were the 13 best committee members

anknetau commented 4 years ago

I strongly suggest we bring in some high-rank military advisors to help us cut cost and focus the technical steering committee's energy towards an outcome

Almenon commented 4 years ago

We have a problem. The meeting naturally needs to happen on day 13 but there's only 7 days in a week :O

tj-commits commented 2 months ago

Please bring this back! I will join