LANG=C LC_ALL=C --database <database_name>
[INFO] OS total memory: 31.41 GB
as well as
[INFO] PostgreSQL maximum memory usage: 12.81% of system RAM
[WARN] Max possible memory usage for PostgreSQL is less than 60% of system total RAM. On a dedicated host you can increase PostgreSQL buffers to optimize performances.
[INFO] max memory+effective_cache_size is 25.54% of total RAM
[WARN] Increase shared_buffers and/or effective_cache_size to use more memory
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
log on to a linux DB host with de_DE.UTF-8 locale
run --database
[INFO] OS total memory: 0
as well as
[UNKNOWN] OS total mem unknown : unable to analyse PostgreSQL memory usage
Expected Behavior
It should work as advertised.
Current Behavior
memory related output is useless
[INFO] OS total memory: 0
[UNKNOWN] OS total mem unknown : unable to analyse PostgreSQL memory usage
Possible Solution
run (and possibly other external commands on other platforms) with LANG=C and LC_ALL=C settings, so that different localized message strings in the command's output do not render the matchstrings useless.
LANG=C LC_ALL=C --database <database_name>
gives[INFO] OS total memory: 31.41 GB
as well asSteps to Reproduce (for bugs)
[INFO] OS total memory: 0
as well as
[UNKNOWN] OS total mem unknown : unable to analyse PostgreSQL memory usage
in the output
Your Environment