jferard / fastods

A very fast and lightweight (no dependency) library for creating ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet, mainly for Calc) files in Java. It's a Martin Schulz's SimpleODS fork
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add OSGi Support #188

Closed juergen-albert closed 4 years ago

juergen-albert commented 4 years ago

I'd like to provide a PR to add OSGi support. The only change would be an added plugin to your maven build, so it generates the necessary Manifest. Would you accept such a change?

jferard commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the proposal. I'm not very familiar with OSGi, so I have a few questions. Does this have any effect on "regular" uses of the library? On the compilation (will mvn clean install work as usual?). It seems the packaging should be bundle: this is not one of the "core packaging values" (https://maven.apache.org/pom.html#packaging), could this be an issue?

juergen-albert commented 4 years ago

A bundle is just a normal jar with some additional Metadata in its Manifest. As long as nobody writes OSGi specific code, nothing will change for anybody using the jar.

I've seen that some bundles have this bundle packaging, but I've no idea why they do it. Thus nothing would change. Maven would work as before and only the Manifest would look different. If you decide at a certain point to manually add something to the Manifest, you would need to use the bnd-maven-plugin, that is doing the manifest generation then.

jferard commented 4 years ago

Seems okay. Please provide your pull request.

juergen-albert commented 4 years ago

I hope to find the time for it over the weekend.