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10 June 2021: Sharing outcomes from Accessibility TeX Hour #10

Open jfine2358 opened 3 years ago

jfine2358 commented 3 years ago

The video for this clip is here (YouTube).

Here's the transcript (in a raw form). The task is done when we've done enough to check, improve and share the content.

i've got a suggestion which is that in a sense somebody else one of us or several of us but with me not having a special role i have a special responsibility for the accessibility hour and the things coming out of the accessibility hour that would suit me well because it will allow me to focus on other things you know that are nearby and it would help sort of share the responsibility and i don't want this organization whatever we're setting up to be a mirror of who i am sorry what was i i had to take a bio break okay for anybody to sort of to pass this particular thing up to somebody else i'm i'm also aware that i've made a lot of contacts with people in adjacent areas who are concerned with accessibility and before we go too far we need to sort of [Music] coordinate with them and make sure we're not upsetting them and contribute to their projects as a preference to creating our own i think it's really important that we do our homework and try and find another place to contribute this anything we produce we try and find another place to contribute to jonathan i would say let's just start something small as you were sort of saying either organization or not let's throw up small collect some of what we've collected sort of ad hoc which is lots of loose emails put it someplace and then we'll see if we can find a better place to host it or we want to really more formalize that we're becoming a warehouse of collected information invite other people to put it put to contribute to our warehouse of links and advice and pointers i don't think we're ever going to try to become an accessibility training site there's plenty of other places that people can learn everything they really need if they want to go learn it but anybody who needs a little bit of basics and a little bit of pointers someone who is there it's really not easy to get started there's endless sources of information and a lot of it's confusing and very little of it is really well organized for the niche we're talking about which is stem and engineering and science users or sort of underserved and mostly overloaded i guess also first on a personal method basis so start small and grow and then we'll see where it goes i like the idea of starting small why doesn't everybody have an opportunity to suggest something that they'd like to see done in the next month or two and possibly even the next week but once we have a site we can put it into the issue tracker or the project board and we're we're going so it's asynchronous so the first thing is an issue tracker and the project board or something like that that's easy as long as we naming things is difficult so we need a working title perhaps so we've got that i think would be good i think there's been a lot of useful stuff in this conversation for example the concept of self-voicing that i was unaware of so going through the transcript of this video and picking out some of the nuggets i think that would be a good thing to do i think i i second the idea or third or i've lost track of how many but start small and and start accumulating the pieces because that'll that'll help even define what this energy is i think and so if there is another logical place maybe someone would recognize it but if not i think a lot of times because i've worked with faculty and i'm an accessibility person and more technical but like i've been working with a lot of stem faculty lately and they speak a totally different language and i often have to try to listen to their concepts and and try to understand where they're coming from because i'm not well versed in the text tech world being like latex and tax code but trying to understand their needs and then support their rendering of accessible content electronically is what i've been the piece i'm trying to add here at indiana university but i know these they recognize the world totally differently than and i think they need their own space to see all these pieces together because communication about especially which text and what tech tools can produce accessible content or which ones maybe to to be wary of or best practices using this tool or chain these tools together um i think that's all important information to put together in a space that at least when i search for that i don't find it and somewhat you know struggle to accumulate that so i think there is value here and in my knowledge i don't know that it exists somewhere else but i will humbly say that maybe my search skills aren't so great but because i'm not connected to this community i'm just trying to support some individuals who are in it but don't understand accessibility enough that was my piece in the in the slice of the pie so i'd say that brian what you're saying is almost what we need is to aggregate a lot of bits of information that are scattered and hard to find and some experts have some idea of some of them and apparently very few people have a lot of them avail easily accessible accessible in the other sets what we want to do is we want to at least start aggregating in a way that it's easier for people to discover what other people have found or suggested as a starting point and i'm all for that i'm going to put time and also to try and contribute some of the bits and pieces i have in my you know mailboxes and various note files i i i think one of the things we want is a place where people can ask questions and also where they can read answers that already been given um to a certain extent stack overflow does that sort of thing but we're not nearly large enough or coherent enough for that but it certainly provides a place where people can ask questions and read other people's questions so i'd like to go back to what was saying about google we've had this sort of conversation these conversations earlier and if we can sort of extract value around those conversations and turn them into i'll use the word web pages but actually an issue on an issue tracker is a web page no different web page is it's just a particular is a general concept an issue an issue on an issue tracker is a bishop special concept so i think an issue tracker and a place where people can ask questions of a sort of sort of some sort of nature and um oswald jonathan is it your sense that there's already questions being asked on stack overflow that just don't have good answers to them or that people don't have a space to actually ask the question okay on stack overflow they will set up a special stack for you if you can show you've got a community and that's how tech dot stack exchange got started so i don't think we're we're sort of large enough for coherent enough to manage uh do uh um something else to stack overflow at this time but i think the model of stack overflow which is if you ask a question you'll get an answer yeah i wasn't suggesting that we start our own stack overflow i was just suggesting that uh maybe we encourage each other to try to answer questions that remain unanswered on stack overflow uh i i don't think there's a forum specifically devoted to accessibility you see on stack overflow and the other thing is i don't know how accessible it is for the people who are for example visually impaired we'd have to we we're sort of subject to a dietary constraint which is because we're keen on accessibility we we tend to rescue things that are not [Music] accessible i think we've got into a bit of a model here kelly um i mentioned stack overflow as an example where it's the place where people can ask questions and get answers i think that's in a sense what what we want to be whether it's part of stack overflow either a new part of stack overflow or an existing part of slack overflow or it's already happening in um the blind math list and the um in the visually impaired programmers list so they'll ask questions and i'll answer and other people in that group will answer those questions um and i don't want to take away that place i don't want them to say they have to move somewhere else so the answer to some questions might be go ask somewhere else you know if somebody comes and says i'm a blind programmer and i want to know how to do such research and such and such as we can say well the blind programmers list is the best place to answer that question because they're people like you and if you come up with something good we'll um we'll add it to the answer we keep here we can't what birthday card the other day for my twin brother uh forget about the past you can't change it forget about the future you can't predict it forget about the president i didn't get you one well never mind all that we can't predict the future and we we just sort of make the best of what there is and that's what a plant does when it grows it makes the best of what there is so we can't see much beyond the next two or three months i don't think but if we set up an issue tracker and a list of questions and we work together on a few things and we talk again next month then we'll be better placed i think kevin just had to go so i desperately want to have less responsibility so i'm going to sit here and hold my breath until somebody does something well i have to say jonathan that um i'm not uh get competent but i would be interested in beginning to participate in this thing and i i count on having to do a lot of learning in order to about to get technology in order to do that so um i don't want to disqualify myself but that's the context for me you don't need to know anything about git to use github in order to create an issue and answer questions and that sort of right i'm looking i'm looking forward to getting my feet wet i think there's enough of us to answer questions when they come in i think our worry should not be that we can't answer the questions that come in i think our worry should be but we don't get questions coming in six months time it might be a different problem well you know jonathan i just want to encourage you here um what when you when you open a door people both show up i'm sorry i have to run uh take a bio break before my next meeting but um thanks so much for all this work and the energy behind it good to meet you brian nice to see you brian thanks i'm also gonna sign out jonathan thanks again for all this organizational effort that pulls this the community together and it's nice to see a lot of the people again i haven't been around for a couple of weeks thank you very much for your contributions tani yes thank you tani and thank you phillip for your uh elvis presley quote just channel your inner elvis and you'll be okay actually i i i think i created something on git at one point in time because um i'd been working on some software and i wanted to share it but it it kind of i i began spinning my wheels as far as that part of things went i'm still looking for ways to share the code that i develop because you know i'm not trying to make money off of it but i think it might be useful to other people you know to play with yeah so i was looking for things and we looked at things like sourceforge and so on yeah i think i think sourceforge is where i put it they use some sort of tool like it to maintain version control anyway i clearly have a lot to learn