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10 June 2021: Blind code and math compared - tree structures #3

Open jfine2358 opened 3 years ago

jfine2358 commented 3 years ago

The video for this clip is here (YouTube).

Here's the transcript (in a raw form). The task is down when we've done enough to check, improve and shared the content.

so part of the motivation for this was some very promising news we had last week from jaina schroder who is a candidate for the holman prize i think there's three or four of them awarded every year and it's 25 000 to a blind person to do a project that they're motivated to do that will help themselves and in and other blind people and she wants to do something for making coding the coding experience and i think particularly the learning coding experience better for blind people and i think there's a very strong connection between accessible code and accessible math because in both cases you've got um a tree structure to understand and you have the problems of visual display of structured information and mathematics and programming have always been close partners and my view is that once people have got to a point where they understand what computers are accessible programming is actually easier than accessible mathematics and we can go into the reasons for that later but i think the technical problems on some extent the surgical problems and so forth easier to deal with so i rather feel that a focus on accessible code accessible math along the way it's a warm-up exercise or a dress rehearsal if you like so this session today is in a certain sense focused on well if jaina gets the holman prize or if she doesn't get it but still wants to work in the area what can we give her what can we provide her that will help her with what she wants to do and also help us with real what we want to do and i'll take it as a given that we have a special interest and a special responsibility for mathematical content and for pdf and also for accessible outputs from latex that don't have to be pdf so that's the sort of background for it and the basic idea is this discussion the goal is that we support and we are supported by what there already is and one of the great problems with what they're already is there's so much out of it there [Music] and the i i see an important thing is the growing and the growth and the health of a community of practice there already is a community of practice but um we're not in contact with all of it a couple of weeks last month we had um some people from the pretext project and they have a very nice community of practice and the tech community has its own community of practice and there's not the interaction we want i think getting more interaction between the various communities of practices is quite important the final thing in this sort of general introduction is that it's a social problem and a technical problem accessibility is a social problem and a technical problem sometimes the technical problem is the key and sometimes social problem and sometimes there may be other matters as well so i find myself one of my ways of working is to try and find the right questions search for the answer on the internet and one of the things that happens from that is serendipity you discover things you don't know before you don't you didn't know about so i discovered a website called accessible accessibleweb.com it's in the email i sent out and it seems to be a consulting business based upon somebody who's wanting to help people with accessibility problems it seems to be a sort of a h hold some business and that was simply because i searched for something like accessibility tree or accessible tree navigation and they had a good page for it so sometimes you can search for something you know just to find other people who are also interested in it um i'm going to go into a digression here one of my favorite websites is the online encyclopedia of integer sequences which was founded by neil sloane of absolutely i think the great foresight in

  1. now how did you manage to set up an online encyclopedia before the web well the answer is he published springer published a book for him which is called an encyclopedia of integer sequences and i just went online so it's the online so so the great thing about that is you can do your research and you get a sequence of energy sequences and then you can go to that place and you find that other people are interested in that same sequence and you'll learn mathematical connections that you probably weren't aware of so if we can get that sort of clearing house that would be helpful because i don't think we've got that now um we sort of have we have bits of it so what what i'm wanting to do is i want this to be more like a workshop where we look at top level questions figure out how we try to find information about them we might take a time out to do some web searching if we want to and the other thing is we can think about useful pages and think well behind them how can we help other people find them so there's a whole bunch of different ways of approaching this thing and i i'm i'm welcome to all of them so i'm going to stop for a little bit because um i've run out of energy i snuck a link into the chat because i was having a conversation with some of the people that built the accessibility plug-in with mathjax about making it self-voicing that way you didn't have to have a screen reader software to actually take advantage of the audio aspect of math jack's presentation and [Music] the author of the plugin kind of took that idea and extended it to just a generalized tree walker and then he was able to create you know chemical molecule a um kind of a tree diagram uh even like um not totally sure what a t i k z diagram is um but it seems a lot of times in my alternate media past i had to describe a lot of computer science diagrams especially like in courses where students were studying compiler design um you know so they had binary trees um or they may have been studying optimization you know and it was often we would come up with these long convoluted flowchart like outlying pros explanations of what these diagrams look like because they were just too deep or too complex to render into a tactile diagram with any efficiency i mean it would be like as big as a wall but i think you know this generalized approach to thinking of an equation as a tree as a diagram as a tree as a chemical molecules a tree you know and of course you have in object oriented models you often have a tree like diagram or uml diagrams just the ability to to come up with a standardized interface for navigating and perceiving those orally with that exploration i think would be kind of useful so i was excited about where um he was going with that as something that could eventually maybe be plugged into some tool it's like a super set of what matt jacks is now i suggest we come back we can continue with that now but we can also come back to it later in the context of other things but something you said you used the phrase self-voicing and that was a phrase a concept that i was actually searching sorry for searching for searching for that phrase self-voicing and i'll take it on trust from you that it's a standard part of the vocabulary so is that there's actually another thing which is standard vocabulary and glossary so we could probably use a sort of math accessibility glossary or a coding accessibility glossary when i worked at the open university in technical support not teaching or that many of the courses had glossaries and they were really important things the students will go there when they're stuck and there's also reading the glossary as a way of getting an overview of the whole thing