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10 June 2021: Document creation best practice - PDF, EPUB and DAISY #5

Open jfine2358 opened 3 years ago

jfine2358 commented 3 years ago

The video for this clip is here (YouTube).

Here's the transcript (in a raw form). The task is done when we've done enough to check, improve and share the content.

jonathan i i'd be interested from my standpoint about best practices for document creation which is to say instead of taking the information as a given to help people like me and my clients prepare their documents in a way that not only serves their own needs but makes them accessible to people that we're now lifting up in this call and i i heard uh something mentioned on the call having to do with um some sort of organization that is concerned with this i i think that um it how to say this the great preponderance of content creators are simply not aware of these conversations in the first place so being acquainted with the conversations would be a good starting point jonathan did you mention the site that you could go to where you got connected with other people interested in a specific thing or was it that you were suggesting that that needed to be created there are such sites and there's no sort of clear hierarchy or relationship between between the sites and i mean self-organizing can be very good and um um but somehow it needs um shared values if you like shared experience is the basis of all communication sharing i think shared experience makes it possible and distinct experience makes it interesting you know we can talk to each other because we share her experience but it's interesting it's more interesting when we're different um so i i uh had a look at the tug tech user group accessibility page just before here and it's all about pdf standards and technical things [Music] it's not it's not about end user accessibility um so what i see is that there's a lot of isolation and somehow we should try to do what but what google does is every time you use google google google gets a little bit of information gets a little bit of your information it's able to do useful things with that information and those useful things are useful to google too because they um help it develop its advertising business and do other things and so forth so we've got to be a little bit like google in the uh we get involved with other people's information and sort of add value to it my sort of prejudices and it's only a prejudice is is that if we weren't so isolated we could do more you know there's a saying uh everything is much easier if nobody cares about who gets the credit um i'm gonna stop one of the things that's going on in the higher ed arena is kind of the the move towards epub as an accessible document format and with the hope that it will replace the pdf format and one of the advantages of epub over pdf is that most epubs are going to be reflowable and scalable they're basically containers with a certain navigation and structure around web pages but with additional semantics to handle the fact that it's a document or even a book you know that there would be parts and chapters and table contents and and things like that and then extra semantics for the types of things that go on the page like a poll quote or an aside or you know things like that actually semantically labeling the pref you know preface or main body text and pieces like that but it also includes because it's html it includes natively the ability to put mathml in it and therefore make more accessible documents that include the map and there are a wide variety of epub readers that have built-in support for reading the math out loud or presenting the math as braille and then a lot of pipeline converters for converting epub into a lot of other formats like braille almost in an automatic manner and so daisy as an organization had one of the original if you ever heard of the daisy format but it was one of the original e-text formats and was designed with accessibility in mind and then so there's a lot of communication between publishers especially higher ed publishers reading system tools and then there are a lot of standards groups all kind of working together to try to make foreign accessible documents that you know are capable with stem and even interaction possible and it's a pretty exciting movement uh to see but you know so i just put the link out there to their knowledge base for how to create accessible publications and it's largely around epub but