jfine2358 / stem-access

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10 June 2021: Shared place for community of practice #9

Open jfine2358 opened 3 years ago

jfine2358 commented 3 years ago

The video for this clip is here (YouTube).

Here's the transcript (in a raw form). The task is done when we've done enough to check, improve and share the content.

and i'm looking for a step forward and to a certain extent a wiki is a sort of shared place where a community can sort of become a community of practice but i don't think there's enough of us for that and wiki tends to have this sort of idea of being an encyclopedia and encyclopedia means covers it covers everything and but i i thought um what if i started a repository on github called i'm suggesting stem access the name can easily be changed and we use an issue tracker there just to regularize and record some of the stuff we've got here and what we've had in this conversation well you know the first time you have your first day a new school as a new sort of workplace you know everything none of it makes sense you know everybody's talking to each other and you you can't follow it there's so much implicit knowledge that you don't have and we share a lot of implicit knowledge and we're also picking up implicit knowledge from us but somebody's coming in from outside or has got a low back limited background in this area would be overwhelmed so one of the things that could use to be done is to take the transcript of this conversation and sort of say well what's the implicit knowledge in this transcript that would be helpful to record for other people and the course a glossary of terms would be one examples of processing instructions and the various variants of press book and the book down so how can i create a book without markup that sort of thing so and i see that as a way of sort of doing something useful with this that goes beyond the eight people here and as long as three people are willing to do that it's a viable proposition at least viable enough to be worth trying so i'm willing to do that if two other people are willing to put their hands up to do something like that that's two that's three okay so we've got we've got the the committee of three the troika they call it in russia um anybody else is willing to join the the trio is jf arthur ogawa and uh tiny so i'll email everybody but i'm only expecting replies from those three unless you want to join in and the idea is that the links we've got here we can sort of organize a bit better and it's just a sort of free-for-all if you like but it's an issue tracker which makes it work a bit better and i i don't want to own it oh you're asking a question kelly or joining in uh i guess a bit of both but given the um experience that i have from the our community and how they're able to get followers and uh the inclusiveness and the um the the safe feeling that you get for being like new users being able to post issues i think largely comes from uh clear guidance on github how to contribute to something and i think that this project would be really well served by starting a new um they don't call it a repository one level up from a repository and github organization yes organization and so that's what i would really recommend is starting a new organization and i love your name that you proposed jonathan and then within that we can have uh repositories with the i think the end goal i see is in github you can host a website and then we could eventually take and make a user community similar to like the blind math list where people can ask questions and you can do all of that through github but i would really like to see it in its own organization uh just to kind of mimic some of the sense of community that i've gained from the our community thanks i second that i'm going to be a little bit reluctant and i'll express the reluctance in the following form that we don't know where jaina will be in relationship to the holman prize and none of us are blind or visually disabled and um we're not representative so i feel as though we're not quite ready for that but i think it's correct as an aspiration i think though that if you start it inside somebody's personal repository then it's limiting from the get-go you can move it you can take a repository a repository has a wiki attached to it again a git repo a git repository you can push to and as an issue tracker you can move the whole thing whole kit and kabooble to somewhere else yeah i understand that and i've done that it's just based off of some of the training that i have taken recently on how to make a new community based on people that uh when you have a limited set that you should think about your end user and design the product from the get-go and so if our product is to make information available to everybody then it shouldn't be owned by one of us i'd also say you get there's a bunch of features you get if you have an organization including a project board and also show the nice little things that we can start to put to use gradually for our organization and if i don't see the reason we can't call ourselves an open source organization and just share because we're sharing our content all you have to do is put it under an open source license whatever we're putting into the either issue tracker or markdown files or however created content and then it should be relatively easy to manage and support i i i don't think that we have we we care about more than we disagree about and i've i've got a certain sort of reluctance because it's my own my weakness is starting something ambitious that's too ambitious and so i've i've learned to sort of uh try and make small steps try and make the smallest possible step if you like but keep the future open um in the end if it's a project and you're part of that project and five or six other people are part of that project and the project is owned by the people that participate in it it's not what i think and it's not what you think it's what the consensus is and i think that's the really important thing is that by consensus by understanding by shared understanding we find their way forward so so i think that it's i think the method is the really important thing that's for me but it's gone half past seven and what i suggest is well i want i'm not gonna suggest anything i'm i'm happy to go forward in this proposal in any way that's agreed by everybody else and we can talk about it this more now if you want to uh but we could talk about something else so i'm i'm in a sense relinquishing the chair so that my views are quieter folks i'd just like to say i was very impressed by what kelly said and i recognize that far beyond technical issues just the ability to bring a community together in other words to be an organizer uh is quite a skill and i'm very much an admiration of people who can do that um so uh i just want to encourage all of us to bring out what we can in that domain uh so we can figure out how to work together effectively and i too don't know exactly what this is going to look like so i'm open to whatever we can create together thanks arthur i think something that's key is how you said together because if we're not going to do it together then i think we should be adding our information to other resources that are already out there like the websites that we link to today why aren't we contributing to those like why is our idea to have a central repository for this information better than uh the individual ones that already exist and and so that's why i see the github organization as being something that we're doing together and inclusive of other people that aren't currently represented here i'd like to make a suggestion that we make to see we make now every decision we have to make in order to go ahead for the next month but decisions that need make decisions as they're required if you like that's that's the approach so we we need a shared place where we can sort of share things and that the natural thing for that is the guitar repository with associated issues and so forth uh at this point you don't need a separate organization i'm happy to create a separate organization and keep it in the way we probably want to be a group of named individuals and have a sort of program that we're trying to do unlike what i think was arthur was saying that kelly was saying was well before we go too far we better check that we're not reinventing the wheel and we better do everything we can to be in good terms with other people that already have produced fine and wonderful wheels i'll stop