jflessau / winbot-twitter-bot

Twitter contest bot trained to win giveaways.
MIT License
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Limited Results #10

Closed Fot3k closed 6 years ago

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Hi, thank you for this excellent bot, just started using it.

Having a couple of issues where the results are limited and receive repetitive search results. I use a competition site that lists 1000s of twitter giveaways and would like to reduce the manual effort involved by using your bot.

Having read the Twitter API search details I see this could be due to a 7 day limit on search results or am I missing something else here? I have tried changing my search criteria while using 'OR' to increase the outcome but still have very few results, giving the bot nothing left to do.

Could you please provide any details on ways to increase productivity or perhaps offer suggestions to use for my searches.


jflessau commented 6 years ago

Have you tried to increase the search_for-value in the settings function? Default was 10 but I set it to 120 today.

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Yes I set it at 120 from the start. Does capitalization matter in searches?

win vs Win vs WIN for example.

jflessau commented 6 years ago

I guess i did not fully understand want youre planning. Do you want to use this bot to feed the site with 1000 twitter giveways, or do you want to use this site to feed the bots to-do-list?

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Sorry my fault I have gotten you confused. The site is nothing to do with using your bot it was just for reference. My goal is to use your bot to enter giveaways on Twitter so I don't need to do so many manually.

The problem as explained above is that I don't get enough results, the bot has entered all the ones found by retweeting, following and liking but then it tries to repeat this process using the same results it has already gathered.

Sometimes when I change the search query it tells me it has found no tweets but they have all been filtered, if I search the same terms manually on Twitter I find plenty more giveaways that could be entered.

It seems to be limited which is why I mentioned the twitter api standard access, it states only allowing 7 days from search results. But even from this I'm pretty sure there would be more results from a search in 7 days from the millions of users. Hope this makes sense?


jflessau commented 6 years ago

Except for a long search query with a lot of different search strings (seperated by "OR") there is not much you can do about this issue. The searches may return the same results multible times, but they are filtered so that this bot won’t try to retweet a tweet twice. Make sure that the file log.txt is intact, because the bot is looking for old retweets in there. The log-file is essential for filtering the search results.

Keep in mind that this bot is designed to run over a long time. Mine is now running for 90 days and repeated the scheme search >> filter >> retweet/like/follow >> repeat over and over again. This way it constantly searches for new results but will inevitably find old ones, too.

Also: Only looking for search strings in not-english-languages will mostly generate very few results.

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Something definitely missing here after experimenting, I'm in the UK. If you do a search on twitter for "RT & FOLLOW to win" you will get a ton of results from a few hours back let alone days. This excludes retweets. If I do the same search query using the bot, it says it found 6 tweets and filtered them all out. I know I've not entered them because they have not been liked or retweeted.

jflessau commented 6 years ago

If you”re using my user-blacklist, it’s possible that a lot of these results are filtered because they’re from users on this list.

Could you try using the default search query? When the default one returns only a few results, then the query is not part of this problem.

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Still same issue with your default search query, 100 tweets found, all filtered. This is the first run I've done today too.


jflessau commented 6 years ago

It’s very odd that you get exactly 100 tweets as a result multible times. I don’t know why, but the search seems to return the same tweets every time.

If you want to give it one last shot: Delete everything, clone the repo again, change nothing but the tokens and run it.

Good Luck :rocket:

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

I had done that previously yesterday with same issue.

I think I have sorted it, I deleted entries from the blacklisted-strings.txt not the filled and now it's getting results and working.

Do the strings filter based on each line or each word individually?

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to add a region filter for the bot? Be great to only work with accounts in the UK, a lot of the USA giveaways are not really relevant or applicable. I saw the API can use Geolocalization filters amongst other filters. Quite a few useful operators to use, suppose depends how far you wanted to take the bot.


Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Noticed it doesn't seem to search for strings but each word in the string, my search query right now is: 'RT to enter' the bot is retweeting news tweets from @RT_com the news company which only has the word 'RT' in their tweets and nothing else.

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

Seems to work much better using 'AND'

Retweet AND to AND enter AND #WIN

Brings better results, still getting duplicate account searches though not much variation.

jflessau commented 6 years ago

At least some progress :octocat:

I’ll post it here when I stumble upon a solution.

Fot3k commented 6 years ago

What's the difference between the 'filled-blacklist' and the root blacklist?

Whenever I put text into the root lists it really affects my searches but works in the filled lists when I delete them from the root blacklists.

Some strings still get ignored though like 'I'm in the running' it all seems to be a bit hit or miss.

jflessau commented 6 years ago

The blacklists in the root folder are actually used by the bot. But they are empty by default. I’ve added the filled-blacklist-folder, because @seasox requested a public blacklist. Mainly because it‘s quite annoying to find usernames for the blacklisted-users.txt by yourself.