jflucier / ILL_pipelines

Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe Laboratory code
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skip normalization #3

Closed jorondo1 closed 2 years ago

jorondo1 commented 2 years ago

Future modification (not a priority) :

Remove humann_renorm step; keep raw counts for downstream analysis to account for the compositional nature of data. All subsequent humann steps can be performed on raw counts.

jflucier commented 2 years ago

do you mean this line

jflucier commented 2 years ago

must be it since only place humann_renorm is called.

Please confirm and i will delete & release.

jorondo1 commented 2 years ago

exactly, so the loop right above it ($norm_method == "cpm") becomes irrelevant and the subsequent files will not have the $norm_method suffix

while you're at it, the operation at this line can actually be done using a humann utility, namely this one. It takes the .tsv created by the humann_regroup script loop and splits them exactly like I want (stratified levels + community level, called "unstratified" here)

jorondo1 commented 2 years ago

did you get a chance to do that ?

must be it since only place humann_renorm is called.

Please confirm and i will delete & release.

jflucier commented 2 years ago

commented this step. See here

released on ip29

jflucier commented 2 years ago

damm just saw we need to remove norm for loop, will proceed with this modif

jflucier commented 2 years ago

removed the for loop.

please validate here

jorondo1 commented 2 years ago

yes j'allais justement t'écrire pour dire que faut enlever la loop ça a l'air good